How old
I have come to realize a very disturbing fact. To my saddest thing in my office of the false idea that many very bright, promising female entrepreneurs just give them male equal benefits to being women, this is as true as we believe There is none.
Certainly, the population of today's women is much better than mothers and grandmothers, but receiving financial support / financing is not for male entrepreneurs, but for bankers
Myths have circulated for years when they have been leading entrepreneurs to believe that women own and a small number of companies can easily obtain loans. Unfortunately, that is the only myth.
If your entrepreneur's dreams need bank loans, if the women or minorities, the process is not any easy. There is a possibility that it may be present, but it is limited to those in case of source use. Even so, I will return it as sales and lending business.
Both male and female executives in the field of business have much in common in terms of professional desires. However, the stadium is not equal. The survey was conducted by a nonprofit research group called the recent Catalyst. 1,000 male and female executives of the largest companies in the United States were investigated and more than half of the women said they aim for CEO job. They are willing to make a sacrifice like marriage or delaying children, very spontaneous shouts to us that the fields are not equal.
Other findings are as follows:
* 49.5% of all recruitment managers and experts are female, but they still tend to manage only the other women.
* The wage executives of the highest wages still earn only 68% of the salary paid to her male partner.
• Companies including women in senior management have improved enterprise performance.
• 62% of companies that included women in senior management saw market share compared to only 39% of women without senior management grew.
Advances in technology should facilitate more women's movements with leadership. Computers allow women to exercise more flexible time and better balanced work and family responsibilities than equivalent male equivalents (how much is that?)
The characteristics of the so-called female leadership will increase in importance in the 21st century, according to more 160 international companies and 75 Gender towards equity
Most respondents, predominantly men, predicted broad dissemination of "command and control" management style for a more "team-oriented" approach. It does not seem to be a bad thing for me. I am a leader in teamwork and monarchy than many companies can use to think about.
We saw those of these businesses as a new style as a necessary skill "more than female men" and also women management positions at the end. However, another 15-year study shows that female managers are less inclusive or democratic than men when making workplace decisions.
To the extent that these facts may be strict I do not want to discourage future women entrepreneurs. We own women business owners know that we may need to pay hard work as hard as twice for half recognition, but women
We, a woman and a mother and a business woman, can work two air traffic controllers without sweating even when the airport is burning on the ground
I have come to realize a very disturbing fact. To my saddest thing in my office of the false idea that many very bright, promising female entrepreneurs just give them male equal benefits to being women, this is as true as we believe There is none.
Certainly, the population of today's women is much better than mothers and grandmothers, but receiving financial support / financing is not for male entrepreneurs, but for bankers
Myths have circulated for years when they have been leading entrepreneurs to believe that women own and a small number of companies can easily obtain loans. Unfortunately, that is the only myth.
If your entrepreneur's dreams need bank loans, if the women or minorities, the process is not any easy. There is a possibility that it may be present, but it is limited to those in case of source use. Even so, I will return it as sales and lending business.
Both male and female executives in the field of business have much in common in terms of professional desires. However, the stadium is not equal. The survey was conducted by a nonprofit research group called the recent Catalyst. 1,000 male and female executives of the largest companies in the United States were investigated and more than half of the women said they aim for CEO job. They are willing to make a sacrifice like marriage or delaying children, very spontaneous shouts to us that the fields are not equal.
Other findings are as follows:
* 49.5% of all recruitment managers and experts are female, but they still tend to manage only the other women.
* The wage executives of the highest wages still earn only 68% of the salary paid to her male partner.
• Companies including women in senior management have improved enterprise performance.
• 62% of companies that included women in senior management saw market share compared to only 39% of women without senior management grew.
Advances in technology should facilitate more women's movements with leadership. Computers allow women to exercise more flexible time and better balanced work and family responsibilities than equivalent male equivalents (how much is that?)
The characteristics of the so-called female leadership will increase in importance in the 21st century, according to more 160 international companies and 75 Gender towards equity
Most respondents, predominantly men, predicted broad dissemination of "command and control" management style for a more "team-oriented" approach. It does not seem to be a bad thing for me. I am a leader in teamwork and monarchy than many companies can use to think about.
We saw those of these businesses as a new style as a necessary skill "more than female men" and also women management positions at the end. However, another 15-year study shows that female managers are less inclusive or democratic than men when making workplace decisions.
To the extent that these facts may be strict I do not want to discourage future women entrepreneurs. We own women business owners know that we may need to pay hard work as hard as twice for half recognition, but women
We, a woman and a mother and a business woman, can work two air traffic controllers without sweating even when the airport is burning on the ground
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