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Sirius vs XM

The idea of ​​the two largest satellite radio units in the United States has been up in the air for nearly four years. XM has started this year but Sirius returned to the market and eventually both companies shared the market in half. So what do you choose? XM or Sirius?
First of all, XM and Sirius are based on the same principle, each offering music, news, sports and so on. On that channel, all services will strive to repeat ups and downs to discuss this article. A careful analysis shows that the XM satellite radio offers a total of 136 streams, two are premium channels (Playboy and High Voltage), while Sirius provides a total of 119 streams, premium Streams are not available. Let's take a closer look at the two major satellite fighting categories - that will be two music and news.

Compare music streams

The number of music streams provided by both services is almost the same on 65 Sirius and 68 XM satellite radio, but the difference is not a number, but the music genres provided by the radio

Music - Decades

XM is an absolute champion that provides music for decades as it can listen to 40 music and services that Sirius can not use. Still, you can listen to 90's hit songs along with current hits on Sirius satellite radio, which is an interesting feature.

Music - Country

"Get on the cowboy!" Even if you are not a cowboy, you can listen to the country related songs on both satellites. Hits of classical countries and countries should be heard as well as mixes of alternative countries and countries, the last two features are only available on Sirius satellite radio. Regarding the number of streams provided by both satellites, XM provides a total of five streams, Sirius, the champion in this category, the quality and playing music

Music - Rock

If you are looking for sex, drogs, and rock 'n' roll, Sirius and XM satellite radio can offer you rock 'n' roll, number rock subgen, in number, each service, To this category is very strong, should be found in many on the station.

Music - Dance and Latin

If you want to boogie, it is clubber's maniac to listen to one of the six streams provided by Sirius or XM provided by XM, do it on both satellites listening to it! There is cheap, the flow of Mexicana and tropical music of the latin-pop stream has returned, so it is becoming hard to go mad. ● Tsutsuotsutsu "Tsutsutsutsutsu" Tsuzutsushitsu "Tsuzukitsu tips.

Music - other genres

Regarding other genres, both satellites offer hours of music, from classical to jazz, and even the city (Sirius features), actually watching their prestige, both base high quality songs, That is worth it.

Comparison of news flow

Let's fly to another interesting topic, news. CNN, Fox, CNBC, Bloomberg, MSNBC and more news stations are offered to listen in different languages. The number of streams is again close, providing a number of XM 11 news stream, not like Sirius, this is offering 13.

Bottom line

It is quite difficult to tell which station is better, but XM and Sirius are musically connected, but sirius has edges in news and sports. To make a little joke, you go with Sirius if you are a fan of Stern, you go & xm if you like Q. Anyway, which is hard to say, but I think both are It can be said that the satellite is worth paying.


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