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Six mistakes during job interview

1. You speak too

The advantage of the fact that you are open to discussion has decided to persuade the fact that you are the best. There is a risk of boring other people with so many details, so that you also do not have a cap city where you concentrate on the given subject

2. You have not heard

To guarantee that the answer is about to give is what the question sought. This is a test showing your employer that your future project will follow the precise steps he is expecting.

3. Fall for it

A veteran recruiter puts a trap of relaxation that attempts to make believe that this is a slightly important interview. This does not mean that you have to avoid jokes or commitments that have nothing to do with a professional area,

4. You are about to lead

If you try this you can be arrogant. Companies tend to search for people who can work efficiently in teams. When talking about you, try using it instead of thinking you did in the previous job "I" pronoun "We" as often as possible.

5. You will not ask a question

Try and discuss as an expert as much as possible and ask questions that are right to the subject. Make realistic observations about the company and avoid emphasis.

6. You are late

As many employers can not figure out why the candidate is lagging behind, it is very important in their decision whether they are on time. If you can not make it at settling time, please reschedule the meeting according to the person calling in time and making an interview.

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