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Sleep requirements

Would you like a new mother, baby, are you sleeping or going to bed. What you expect from a guideline is, of course, different depending on these, is a baby. Even if there are children before, each baby will be different.

Newborns usually sleep in about 16 to 17 hours, 24 hours. Most babies can not sleep through the night until they are at least three months old. There are several reasons. First of all, their stomach is very small, especially if they are breast feeding your baby, they will be hungry. Breast milk is much easier to digest than ceremonies and your baby needs to be supplied more frequently, especially in the beginning.

Babies also have shorter sleep cycles than adults, and there is a shorter dream cycle. In general, however, the newly born baby needs to sleep at 8 or 9 hours during the day and 8 hours or so at night. These are, of course, not an 8 hour cycle. Initially, their sleeping hours will be very short.

At the same time as the baby gets older, until about 2 years of age, she is still asleeping 13-14 hours, but the amount of sleep in the day decreases the moon by the moon. Depending on age 2, your baby should sleep during the day through a night with a two-hour nap. Again, this varies from child to child. If you need a baby, or take a nap or a nap. However at age this is a nap in the afternoon too late so that it can be made to get them to sleep at the bed time after a few hours it is difficult

Parents are often dismayed when he / she starts to wake up again at night if the baby regularly begins to sleep at night. This is a normal part of development, occurring about 6 months of age, when an ordinary baby does not realize that separation is temporary, and is called frequent separation worry.

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