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Steel cobblestone is the form of minerals from which sapphire


Steel cobblestone is the form of minerals from which sapphire and ruby ​​are obtained. Minerals are naturally transparent, but in the presence of impurities they can have different colors. Transparent corundum is used as a jewel, ruby ​​in red, and all other colors are called sapphire. The word steel stone is commonly used as a mechanization abrasive from machinery to sandpaper from huge machines come from Tamil kurundam with hardness of stone stone (usually 9.0). Emery is a hardness punishment of 8.0 Mohs, less polishing change,. Perhaps you used hundreds of corundums when you submitted your nails on an emery board!

Corundum is actually the second most difficult substance on the planet after diamond, and there are so many industrial uses that way. The corundum is pulverized, crushed and sorted to various particle sizes. Cereals are used for the production of wheat flour and milling wheels for rice mills, and at workshops. The grinding wheels are manufactured by using sodium silicate as a mixture of steel cobblestone, clay and feldspar or as a binding agent. Better cereals are used to prepare crushed paste for the automobile industry. Belt, disc, roll, sheet and other forms of stone ball stone paper

Due to hardness steel cobblestone you will also find use of mortar, wire drawing dice, thread guide and gauge block. Jewelry varieties may be used for pivot advocates of delicate scientific equipment like watch jewels.

A small amount of corundum is used for the manufacture of special spark plugs, mufflers, pyrometer tubes, rods and insulators for all kinds of vacuum tubes. The finely crushed corundum passes through 200 mesh and is used for the production of the above products by giving clay bonding.

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