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Super food that will help you manage your monthly menstruation

Every month it's the same thing. You are trying to get rid of bloated, tired, bad mood, desire and headaches. There is also the possibility of hoping. Like friends and older sister, it's almost no problem with her cycle through the wind. Look at your diet and see if these super foods are part of it. Otherwise, they can easily become part of a balanced healthy diet that may be easier to manage your cycle
Bananas have long been known as the perfect food for nature. Potassium zinc iron calcium folate calcium B6 water soluble dietary fiber Digestive power, menstrual difficulty and necessary, as they can be replaced as soon as your body loses during your cycle or is exercising frequently, If you suffer from diarrhea during your monthly cycle, they are ideas of treatment, rice and dried toast when eaten with apple - in general BRAT
Bee pollen has been popularized by famous athletes taking it regularly for strength and endurance. It has been successfully used to treat a variety of diseases, including allergies, asthma, menstrual irregularity, constipation, diarrhea, anemia, low energy, cancer, rheumatism, arthritis and toxic conditions, but that for the first time Bee pollen per day can be mixed in grain, capsule or tablet form - or grain or slowly starting with a small amount so that you can cause an allergic reaction to those taking on It can be taken with raw honey spreading with toast.
Make sure that plenty of your diet's iron is getting rich food. Lush green vegetables, beans, shellfish, red meat, chicken, soy food are a great choice. Attempts to unite these with citrus food containing vitamin C to promote the absorption of iron. Make sure to choose unsaturated fats, as always clear of bulls, alcohol, caffeinated drinks, or salty food bulls. These feelings that suffer from the month do not make matters worse.

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