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Superfood stamping on a cold

Healthy and nutritious foods nourish your body, help not only to grow and reproduce the cells but also to help prevent attacks from bacteria causing colds Low fat meat, whole grains, fruits, Vegetable, whole grain fulfills the role of preparing your body to do all the fight.
Another important element of your anti-cold defense system is water. When your body is drained, it is going to an increased risk of bacteria unloading and not assigning. So be sure to drink plenty of water and drinks without caffeine ready to support your body's hydration stay.
A single cup of yogurt a day can drive away the cold and can work to maintain a healthy digestive tract track. As it is the main ingredient that helps keep the GI truck ready to be resounding, yogurt to eat bonus to Yo with living culture - suggests the consumption of normal dairy products suggested in recent research In the unlikely event you lose it is a healthy amount to maintain weight.
Garlic contains antibiotics that were shown to prevent complications from allicin, a study cold. Spicy of many favorite dishes you can add to garlic is extremely cold so it's cool and cold.
It is said that apple 's day keeps the doctor away. Well, I can do it orange. It is also abundantly included in flavonoids that help your body cells regenerate and stay healthy and strong. Green peppers are the best source of vitamin C in vegetable families. Add them to a salad, or just slice and eat raw. Flavonoids are also found in peppers. In some cases you may want to prepare garlic and dried green pepper scoops for the added bacteria kicking effect.
Especially when preparing a bit of garlic, ground lean beef can maintain the health of the cell and fight off the disease. It is a good source of protein, selenium, zinc, eating with a bit of tomatoes is a great defense in the cold season.

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