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The action of alcohol on internal organs.

The action of alcohol on internal organs.

Action on the stomach.
---------------------- The effect of alcohol on the stomach makes it impossible to produce natural digestive juice in sufficient quantity and it It is very dangerous to fail to absorb food that may be indigestible. The condition marked by the sense of nausea, emptiness, weakness and distention always face alcohol. This is a disgust for food and being teased with craving for more drinks. Therefore, there is a permanent disorder called dyspepsia. The miserable form of confirmed indigestion results from this practice.

How will the liver be affected?
---------------------------- Organic delays caused by the ongoing use of alcohol are often fatal characters . The organ that receives the structural change from alcohol most often is the liver. Usually, the liver has the ability to retain the active substance in parts of its cells.In the case of intoxication with various toxic compounds, we analyze the liver as if it is the central depot of a foreign body . Alcohol is essentially the same. Alcohol liver is never released from the influence of alcohol, it is saturated with it too frequently. The microfilament or capsular structure of the liver is affected and prevents proper dialysis and free secretion. The liver grows due to dilation of its blood vessels, surfactant of fluid substance and tissue thickening, which follows the contraction of the membrane and the contraction of the whole organ in its cell part. Then, the lower part of the alcohol comes to be due to the obstruction that is provided to the blood back by the veins. The structure of the liver can be passed through what is technically specified and filled with adipocytes 'fatty liver'.

How does the kidney get worse?
---------------------------- The kidneys also suffer due to excessive consumption of alcohol Kidney blood vessels are elasticity and contraction I lose power. The fine structure in it goes through the modification of fat. Albumin from the blood easily passes through their membrane. This results in a body that loses its power, as if it is gradually lacking blood.

Lung congestion.
------------------------ Alcohol relaxes pulmonary blood vessels easily as they are most exposed to fluctuations in fever and cold I will. When subjected to the sudden fluctuation of the ambient temperature, they easily converge. In a severe winter season, a sudden fatal lung traffic jam easily affects alcohol.

Alcohol weakens the heart.
Alcohol -------------------------- Consumption greatly affects the heart. The quality of the membraneous structure, whose heart changes and thickens, becomes cartilage or calcareous. Later valves lose their suppleness and what is called valvular disorder is permanent. The structure of the great vascular coat that leads from the heart with the same structure change to lose its strength to feed the heart by its elasticity and recoil from its bloating, to supply the heart by its stroke after the heart , It is filled with blood.

Again, the muscle structure of the heart fails due to degenerative changes in the tissue. Elements of muscle fibers are replaced by fat cells or, if not so replaced, the muscular quality shifts to a greatly reduced power of contraction.

Those suffering from these organic delays of blood circulation centers and governance organs will learn the facts of Flemish girls that way, it breaks them mostly until mischiefs are far far ahead.They are overly troubled, We are conscious of the central obstacle of power from a slight cause such as broken rest or abstinence from too long food. They feel what they call "sinking", but they know that wine and other stimulants relieve sensation at the same time. Therefore, they try to ease it until finally discovering that relief fails. Tired, overworked, faithful heart can not bear any more. It runs that course, and the governor of the blood stream is broken. Currently overflowing to one of the organizations gradually stopping the course or completely stopping at the center under some slight shock or excess of exercise.

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