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The history of cheese has been centuries

How does the cheese actually come from, how does it exist? It would have been a chance to have an interest on pieces of bread and sweets history cheese.

But cheese has a long and interesting history and actually goes far further than Christ. Which is good, I will slice. .

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Cheese, cheese dip, goat cheese, cheese grater, cheese knife, cheese history, cheese fact, feta cheese,

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How does the cheese actually come from, how does it exist? It would have been a chance to have an interest on pieces of bread and sweets history cheese.

But cheese has a long and interesting history and actually goes far further than Christ. Whether it is good or not, it is almost all civilization beyond having sliced ​​raw ham and having a longer history.

How did the history of cheese begin?

Ancient private folklore said that the history of cheese comes from a nomadic traveler stuffed milk for his trip in a saddlebag made from a young animal's stomach said that bag is a product found in animal stomach, It contained rennet, an enzyme that helped cheese deform milk. When this tired traveler stopped for a refreshing drink of his milk, he noticed the liquid turned into curd and whey. Both turned out to be very tasty, cheese love was born.

The Old Testament of the Bible leads historians to believe that the history of cheese dates far back than the birth of Christ and found that a lot of reference to cheese making consolidation containers can go back as far as possible There was a milk production process showing milk curd process by milking cows 5000 BC and returning to 3500 BC

Cheese is thought to be made first in the Middle East, but the popularity of food spreads quickly to many of Europe. Women on the farm recognized the benefits of combining resources to make cheese and cooperative dairies were born. As more countries entered cheese making acts, many different changes in cheese came into existence.

During the Middle Ages, monks entered the stage of cheese making as well, and the history of cheese that we can trust them for many of the cheese breeds we have today, cheese It began in the 19th century which began to be made in the factory, not the farm. I tried my hand with cheese making with various great success of cheese we enjoy today and contribution of taste Can not be attributed to various regions of the world

History of coffee house

Go to a coffee shop when you want to exchange news, share ideas, get advice. It has been that way for quite some time. Coffee shop has been a place of learning; making profitable information on business; science, literature, politics, philosophy, and economic discussion; and also a typical gossip.

At the earliest point in history, coffee shops were so popular that the ideas born out there were constantly under the political forum and discussion. . .

Small tits. :

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Go to a coffee shop when you want to exchange news, share ideas, get advice. It has been that way for quite some time. Coffee shop has been a place of learning; making profitable information on business; science, literature, politics, philosophy, and economic discussion; and also a typical gossip.

At the earliest point in history, coffee shops were so popular that the ideas born out there were constantly under the political forum and discussion. The inspiration of brilliant thinking is that the king and the nobility occasionally used it as a way of determining public opinion.

During the 17th century when coffee was introduced to Europe, the popularity of coffee shops followed the same pattern as most coffee shops all over the world. It is a place where people gather together, exchange opinions, write poetry, theater, political will, write business, conduct business transactions, participate in cultural exchanges and often relax with good books Many people were regulars, so postal mail On those previous days when the address was missing, the popularity of the coffee shop also served as the mailing address.

A typical coffeehouse shares common features with bars or restaurants. They differ that the coffeehouse will focus on coffee, tea and snacks served. However, in some countries, the coffee house offers bakery products as well as hot meals, deserts, sandwiches, soups and alcohol.

Today, the coffee house continues the tradition set by past coffee houses. They still remain to be a very popular venue for people who want to have a relaxing and calm atmosphere that they can talk, read, this desire is privileged from around the world like Starbucks Popular coffeehouses, proven by Seattle's best coffee, Pete, Cup O 'Joe, the second cup and coffee beans

Depending on the country and region, coffeehouses adopted the change. Alcoholic drinks can also be offered in the United States to provide snacks while offering coffee houses and cafes, coffee styles, hot chocolate, tea as well as other complete menus.

Like most cafes in the French cap world, they serve snacks. Other coffee shops may have a restaurant area where guests can serve from a complete menu. The popularity of France, especially the Parisian cafe, gives way to subtle coffeehouse variations like brasserie, bistro where single cooking meals are generally offered

Coffeehouses world of other fluctuations in the cafe. These coffee shops provide sidewalks such as sidewalks, pavements or plateaus and other outdoor seats. The seats are usually clustered along the busy streets and are operated by local private facilities that may be similar to parties, especially on weekends.

These patio coffeehouses prefer public open spaces generally want customers wanting a feeling of openness and a very casual atmosphere and conversation for relaxation.

Recently, a new type of coffee house entered the industry: Internet cafe. Internet cafés may not appear like your typical coffeehouse like bistro, brasserie, cafeteria, coffee chain facilities etc. Coffee, tea and chocolate serve with snacks and chat. However, chat is done online.

Although it can not replace the traditional coffee shop, nevertheless, Internet cafes have changed into political exchanges, learning, journalism, literary style coffee shops, but why people in centuries have why I change the goodness of many things.

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