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The simplest home based business of bed and breakfast

There is an exciting new kind of "down home" business types spring up
Among homeowners across the country. It is called a bed

Basically, this is a transplant of adaptive European hospitality
And it was refined by American way of things. To foreigners
Visitor, it is home comfort and hospitality --- staying
Overnight "Enjoying the heart with the people of the land"
Breakfast --- Traditional high stature and no plastic
Feelings visitors get from most major cities in the United States.
To American citizens, it is a welcome alternative to the same old
Hotel / motel circuit.

All that it takes now is a spare bedroom, a good cook advertisement outing
Personality. Night price range from low $ 25 to $ 100 or night range

If you have extra bedroom, big house, or extra space
Your farm house has the beginning necessary to start
Make extra income as bed and breakfast accommodation. one of
The beautiful aspect of this idea is as long as you are hosting
A small "overnight visitor" is not a license
Is required. But it is best to check with your locals
Authorities just for sure.

Naturally, your "visitors" are beautiful, clean,
A comfortable house. Assuming that you meet your home
Prerequisites, you have a spare bedroom, simply "doll it"
Make sure that it is painted brightly, there is outside
Window, room, closet space and a lot of stations, and perhaps
Large writing desk, large comfortable bed, or twin beds.

Most foreign tourists expect "quick tour" "
Of interesting sights in your area. But your
As the host of B & B grows, certain popularity, what you will find
There will be many American tourists and business people on the road
I will do my own hospitality availing. surely
For these people, it does not always need to give "red"
Carpet "Visitor treatment.

Bring us to the basic appeal of which bed and breakfast accommodation.
Quietly thank you that the traveler seems to be looking for
"Home style" where to stay. Usually, they enjoy visiting with
I want to get away from people and super highway off
Sterilized atmosphere and identity of hotels and motels.

Most people write to you in advance, inquiry
About the possibility of staying in your house while you are at home
Town and city. This means little advertisement in your part, or
List the B & B broker and your availability. Some people
Check local phone list and newspaper
Advertisement when they arrive in a strange town. And some
People just come to town or drive nationwide
The city thinks they are interesting and starts driving through
Residential area is looking for bed and breakfast ryokan.

Therefore, you should post a small sign in front of you
In the front yard of your house or. You do not have to do much with this symbol
Tsutsu niece "Tsuzuki" Tsuzuki Tsutsu Keito.
The only condition: bed and breakfast - call inquiries or call from 123 to 4567.

For newspaper ads, a similar list by individuals
Your local paper row, especially Thursday, Friday
And Saturday will be everything you need. But when it comes to
Yellow pages of your phone and business directory go with you
Explain comfort in more detail, small display advertisements
And the pleasure of your service.

Please list your services at all travel agencies
Area where you live. Brochures and short overviews of what you offer
Almost certainly give ideas for travel agent steering
Visitors your way. At the same time, I will list your services on a
Number of national travel magazines - especially those
Cater for women --- We will bring customers for you.

At the usual cost with brokerage with listed services
Something till the front, they are expecting a certain
Percent - usually about 25% of total bills. Same as this
Arrangements apply to travel agencies.

Now suppose you are organizing and are ready to receive your first receipt
Customer. Support host or hostess as a greeting
They are located in the rooms and rooms you have for them.
If they want to take a drive around your area and wish to see it
It's a point. And we will serve in the morning
Those big, delicious breakfast.

You will probably know that foreign tourists want to stay
A few days who have just about everyone in this country
Traveling in your area, it will be a stopover all night.
If they want to sleep comfortably the night, what kind,
Eating breakfast and becoming their way, doing it. If they want to stay
After breakfast around, plan an itinerary for competing visits
In your area, your aid and help are very
I appreciate it (I remember these recommendations)!

That's it! How, why this is completely ridiculous
A beneficial business that is becoming increasingly popular. that is
For the b & B, a lower investment
Idea and you can borrow it very interestingly
Comfortable income production business - from all comfort
Your own house!

Party plan sales
True gold mine for richer builders

Believe it! You can easily make $ 50,000 within the next six months! Then you can actually guarantee at least that much, but perhaps much more, for the rest of your life every year, true

The way to accumulate such wealth is your own business of selling goods through party plans. Another multiple projects are growing as interesting as possible, as much as possible.

In a recent questionnaire we circulated this question among hundreds of successful direct sales merchandisers nationwide: "You know now what you know, now" out of these questionnaires returned , 94% said they will go with the party's planning way.

Just grasp the motivational sale meeting for the sharp party planning operator (and richest) secondary distributor only once a month. Starting these conferences, education curriculum New hosts and hostesses, adopting sales methods, couple, hosts and hall, atrium team.

A host or hostess can make a person who has agreed to hold a sales party at his or her house. Almost always, this person is rewarded for having a percentage of total business or a gift of special goods agreed.

These people invite friends, neighbors, relatives to the party. Your sub-distributor supplies goods that do not need to do much more than making contact with people who are deciding to hold the party and

Here is something like money that you can realize this business: If you say you have ten sub-distributors, each one is a total of 10,000 dollars a month in total. And from that total, you make only 30%. I will grasp it for myself. This will give one or two motivational sale meetings that will hold more than $ 3,000 personal income for thirty days you did not do any more!

In addition to each party, at least guarantee to give at least two more hostesses to your sub-distributor for future parties This chain is infinite and builds so quickly that you can catch up with it .

Choose the evening for your party - evenings except Friday by the weekend. Generally 7:30 is the most convenient time for most people. If it is inconvenient for whatever reason to hold the party at your house, arrange with friends to hold the first couple of parties.

We will create a list of 30 to 40 people who can invite to the party. They know your food and people you know from work, friends, neighbors, relatives and people, you like such at work at your bus stop on your way to work

After officially inviting these people, you call up to remind them of the party at least days before party day. Because the original 40 invites, at least 15 do not appear, so the situation of the last minute, forcing the plan change, because it slips their mind, those of

On the party day, get on to quickly assemble your product display. The party should be held in the biggest room of the house --- normal living room - the center of attraction with display of goods.

The product is often white or should be organized by a durable table covered with light cloth and the items should be organized by group or type --- together Jewelry items; together

Please try putting a little imagination and showmanship in your item display. This brings the effect of making the look of your item much more valuable than it actually is. Including those that do not contain more than 25% of the orders due to increased sales of product display directives to a.

For the sake of example, stainless steel and brassware cause micro-light like valuable heirloom because jewelry shines with high-intensity light focused on the display.

Another idea should be to use the plywood to hold the velvet piece at 6 feet to 4 and to display rings, earrings, necklaces and watches

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