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The time of the bath is a special time of binding with the baby and her parents.

15 Bathing

The time of the bath is a special time of binding with the baby and her parents. It's time to play gently, talk and sing. Get everything you need before you get started! The list includes water (of course), towels, alcohol pads, bath towels (hooded if you have), clean diapers, special baby washing and baby shampoo you use on a daily diaper change, Use natural substances preferably with calendula oil; regular soaps and shampoos are too coarse or babies lose body heat very quickly, so make sure the rooms are warm - check the room from 75 to 80 Fahrenheit temperature is ideal.

Raise the baby's head slowly with one hand and take off your clothes with the other hand. Wash her gently with a washcloth with a warm washcloth and dry her with a towel. If you like, you can wash one area at a time, as soon as the area is washed and dried it can put fresh items of clothing. This is not necessary unless you are in a chilly room.

It is a good idea starting from the "less dirty" area, leave the diaper area to the end, so wash gently behind her ears, so wash the baby with dirty water Be sure of it; a cleft in her neck, elbow and knee; and between her fingers and toe. I recommend you wash the newborn's hair near the end of the bath time. Those leading to this prevention lose them Body temperature affects the outside temperature. Most newborn babies do not have much hair, so it is easy to remove much of it with water the same way you do the rest of the body. Almost all babies dislike things, get wet in the eyes. Working from the front toward the back with a slight inclination of the head makes it possible to prevent water from entering the eyes of the baby.

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