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"The way to health" It is time to start a healthy life: Your 7-day program

When you wake up, how long did you go to sleep at night so you do not feel like exercise Some thing goes to the morning exercise, then in just 8 hours you

It is not what you do in this way and you can completely drop bowl. What people need to realize is that active and eating is important for long-term health and well-being, and one ounce of prevention is worth £ 1 Your body chooses your lifestyle The more you know how to respond to you, you can customize nutrition and exercise plans suitable for you so that you eat well, if you raise the level of physical activity and exercise with proper strength, you get a considerable amount It tells your body that it wants to burn the fuel of fat burning efficient energy.
In other words, the proper eating habits and exercise are equal to fast metabolism, give more energy throughout the day and do more physical work with less effort

The real purpose of practice is to send repetitive messages to the body asking for metabolism, strength, aerobic capacity and overall aptitude and improvement in health. Every time you exercise, your body responds by upgrading its function to burn fat through day and night, exercise for you

I recommend four times a weekly resistance training for 20-25 minutes per session engaged in regular cardiovascular exercise four times a week for 20-30 minutes per session This balanced approach is fat Incorporate aerobic exercise to burn out and provide more oxygen 1 2 Increase the punch and narrow body mass,

You can now do exercise program for this sample:

* Warm - seven light oxygen activity increases or blood flow is attached, cookie pretty with your tendons and joints.

* Training resistance - Train all major muscle groups. 1-2 sets of each exercise. The remaining 45 seconds between sets.

* Aerobic exercise - whatever suits your lifestyle, they will run 12-15 minutes of jogging, rowing, cycling or cross country ski first activity and will continue for 10 minutes of the second activity . Cool during the last 5 minutes.

* Elongation - Stretching by sessions of wrap-up exercise Meditate you to relax deeply with breathing.

When you start a practice program, it is important to have realistic expectations. Depending on your initial fitness level, you should expect the next change at an early stage.

* From 1 to 8 weeks - feel better, there is more energy.

* From 2 to 6 months - lose size and inch while thinning. Clothes will fit more loosely. You have acquired muscles and are losing fat.

* After a few months - start losing weight fairly quickly.

Do not stop there if you make responsibility for exercising several times a week. You also need to change your diet and / or eating habits, "Zwiefel says. Calorie calculations are unrealistic with calculated grams and rates are constant nutrients. Instead, I am Recommend these easy follow-up guidelines:

* Eat some small meals (optimally 4) and a couple of snacks throughout the day
* Make sure every meal is balanced - a thin meat-like palm-sized protein with complex complex like fish, egg whites and dairy products, whole wheat bread
* Limit your fat intake to only what is necessary for adequate taste
* Drink at least 8 8 oz. Glasses of water throughout the day
* I also recommend taking daily multiple vitamins to ensure that your body is getting all the vitamins and minerals it needs.

I think that everything that I think will be possible. I need to extend my gratitude to my doctor 's friend. Without him, I will not be able to write this article or keep my sanity.

Enjoy life, we all deserve it.

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