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There are several facets of email marketing - by expensive experience,

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   There are several facets of email marketing - by expensive experience, years of trail and error - many aspects of mail order, generally alreday learn hard wya

    This report removes a part of the fog and tries to reveal the mail order as it is in the real world.

    We just cover a few of the wide area of ​​the concise page, pros and cons of the idea of ​​the various postal marketing, the pratices many of the books of the methods and e-mail in the sale of large sco-e to the subject, is composed of several hundred The page is not included informatioon.

Capital investment

    I've probably watched advertisements:

           "Start with self-sales business alone
           Make 10 dollars and thousands of dollars at home
           In your spare time "

    Do not you truly believe such advertisements? Of course you are too intelligent to fall for such a misleading promise, but there are many people that are not as smart as you.

    Sharp promoters of mail order plans, mechanisms and other suspicious programs are sacrificed to public gullibility. They appeal to the unique greed of humanity. .. Investment, dream of making fortune without risk and effort.

    Just for the record, there is no free lunch yet. The amount needed to start depends on what you want to achieve. If you plan to buy a small building or rent it, hire inventory with goods, a few employess, we are talking upwards of $ 50,000. To start at home at idle time, use spare rooms, work as a sole proprietor, or with the help of family members, you can see that figure in thousands of dollars

    It is rarely to overdose about a certain dollar amount, the number of poses questions:

    * How much do you know about mail order? Do you have advertising, graphic arts, printing, accounting, record keeping, tax knowledge and experience?

    * Choose your product line and decide who your prospect is. Which size advertisement do you advertise to use which mailing list to rent out which publications?

    * Do you have a reliable source of supply for sale or what you are your own manufacturer as a manufacturer or publisher?

    * If you have to rely on external manufacturers to purchase product wholesale to stock, ship your customers or supply your customers from inventory of the manufacturer

    Your answer to these questions will help in the calculation of your initial cost. For example, if your knowledge of mail order and other related subject matter consists of what you might read about 10 years ago in books, you can start with a few ready-made mail order books, reports, A plan to invest at least $ 100 in subscription to several mail order journals probably subscribes newsletters. There are always new ideas, changes and innovations that you have to keep abreast of, so you can do it now and continuously on mail order.

    Obviously, if you purchase more off-the-shelf products than asking for more capitals to produce what type of items, it takes more to buy

    We did not establish wholesale or retail selling prices of suspicious products, but require more capitals to maintain inventory of $ 50 items $ 5

    If you purchase an inventory from an external manufacturer, you can probably buy with a dozen if you create your own product line, but the image will change. As production costs become prohibitive, it will not be practical to produce just a dozen. In order to enjoy the lowest possible production cost, it is required to overturn a thousand bids at once.

    Based on the drop ship, inventory cost will be zero. If you purchase items for storage on your own you should maintain an inventory of about $ 500. However, its own product, such as manufacturing, publishing etc, the figure minimum $ 3,000.

    Since most of the newcomers until too late do not know this, this is important, - - your first capital of the largest chunks for advertising and promotion So if you $ 500 investment in the product, I am planning to maintain about $ 1500 for promotion. This includes circulars, pamphlets, sales letters and envelope space ads, sorted ads, mailing list (if you choose to take direct postal route).

    If you operate in Dropship way, you should plan to invest at least $ 500 in advertisements to get your business off the ground yet.

    As you can see, there is no accurate answer to the question of capital, but based on the direction that is the investment for your specific purpose

Advertisement - good, bad and ugly

    For newcomers of mail order, all advertisements look very similar. Each advertisement represents a company or person who is trying to sell something or get interested in something that must be provided. Do not attempt to determine copies, layouts or graphics of ordinary sales. Buy, ask, or pass it.

    As you become the active advertiser, yourself, all advertisements start taking a new perspective. You see interesting or boring advertisements. For all of this analysis, advertisements are selling their own experiences more and more.

    However, in the final analysis, personal opinion and judgment has no meaning to advertisement success or failure. It is the result of each advertisement that defines power and effectiveness.

What makes the ad success.
    Many individual elements make advertisements that have entered the play successfully:
    1. Copy of persuasive sales. Wording is the single most important element of a successful advertisement decision. What is said to count most, how you say it.

    2. Appropriate publication arrangement. Although there may be a view that this is clear, it is often ignored. We can not respond if the advertisement does not appear to the appropriate user.
    3. Percentage of space / price. Tsudzutsutsu "Tutu Sutsu one Seth one O Tsu Dzu 慊 one tight. It should be taken into account as this. To reading or building of the mailing list at low cost. You are expected to be sold directly from the ad In case you need to increase the size of the advertisement in proportion to the selling price for 2, 3 in. 42 to the space for items to sell for for $ 5 ... for items to sell for more than half of or all pages up to $ 5 $ 20. price moves the normal query ads when you go above $ 20, the best in order to follow the printed sales presentation. there are exceptions, but this is a pretty safe rule.

    4. Test all elements. Unlike advertising on the system (toothpaste, car, soap, etc..) Any or must rely on a wide range of market research, analysis, research and for a lot of psychology to achieve success, to mail-order sales Protect against waste and loss .. or at least tell you why it was not, you will not make the same mistakes twice. This method (specific to mail order) is called keying. By inserting numbers or letters (or combinations thereof) into all advertisements you perform, which advertisements are which which publications and which problems are most effective More sophisticated forms of the technology of this test are new headlines, Can be carried by trying different testimonials, guarantees, etc. Test technology does not know the limit, but there is also a danger to becoming happy test. To use test principles effectively, make sure that the results justify the time and cost of testing. The inside of the hall where procedureal profit and cost reduction was done was relaxed.

Drop shipping

    In theory, it is a single item purchased or purchased without mailing the goods equivalent to a million dollars that can provide the service. The trick to this is done by using ship way of selling down. Simply shown, this means that you are refusing ads, receiving orders at your address, and proceeding order to your manufacturer at your wholesale price it is an easy way to sell it is effective , Work for large and small for many mail order companies. However, like many other things in this business, the story has two aspects. I heard the story when I was waiting and asked if I could drop it. .. The product promoter is the side you want to know. Paul Harvey may say, "Listen to the rest of the story now."

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