Disciplining young children using the timeout method is very effective and will work with young children aged 18-24 months. By using this method of discipline parents, after having malfunctioned the child without getting angry or stirring with the child, quietly sitting alone alone
Designate the right place for the house isolated from the child's interaction with others. It can be a bedroom corner, a kitchen floor space or a special chair, among other things classified for time-out. Length must be of appropriate age. Good rule of thumb is generally one minute per year of age. The kitchen timer counts down and punishes children.
Timeouts for young children are used to give them the opportunity to reorganize and calm. They are still dubious to sit perfectly and should not be tried.
All children's enterprises behave undesirable, such as stopping a fully specified task with a fun tone. If their behavior persists, they should be instructed to act orally again, if eye contact is made, a timeout spot is pointed out and operation continues after this warning, escort at the timeout location Then you need to tell exactly why it was sent to you. Maintaining it, although it was calm, it was solid. They quietly it is important to discuss with the kids why they were sent there and if the actions occur again, they send again to the time-out older children, what you said to him You need to agree to stop or stop the malfunction. Children leaving their own timeout place before their time is up must recognize that authority will be lost as a result.
You need to change your timeout method according to your child's temperament and your own child rearing style. And remember to reinforce praise, hugs and smiles and positive behaviors. It is important to emphasize children that time is successful such a grocery store, restaurant, and even time out of the house. Consistently, they place children in time-outs that should work wrong in the store. Otherwise, they are more likely to get your message early and test your boundary that you are inconsistent.
Whys of sobbing
It's frustrating and it will take your last nerve. Though it is uncomfortable, unacceptable, it is actually effective that your child get your attention. But whine, like other bad habits, there are a few simple strategies and teaching of buds to teach your children there are other suitable and effective forms of communicating with you
First of all, try restricting the situation that causes it. When a child is hungry avoid extra work. Do not let them participate in irritated games or projects before going to bed. Pay attention when your child is talking, sometimes whining, speaking normally understandable by speaking whining the reaction does not appreciate when the child feels that you have not given them full attention to them I can also talk about it.
Do not overreact when whining begins. Keep your response simple, gentle and neutral. Please ask your child to repeat the request with normal condition. What I've done is unlikely to be avoided, but I will be late. You need to finish grocery shopping so that you can have dinner on the table, for example, and your child cries for a treat
Once restrictions are set, the parent must follow-through. It is essential that follow-through is done when both parents are on board this restriction and completely violate the rule of whining.
If older children are developing sobbing habits, suggest that they conveniently solve the perceived boredom or other expressed problems. If you propose possible alternatives, it may just extend the sobbing child.
When whining trauma - birth to failure. Divorce, serious family diseases and problems at school may be fundamental. Additional positive attention and quality may be drug fairness that your child needs at once in this way when one to one. Your pediatrician can also suggest an alternative to suppress sobbing if positive attention and disciplinary action is ineffective.
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