Below it connects absolutely. When you reply to e-mail you do not need to include the original message. The person who sent it definitely has a copy of the message, and if you are planning to say "do so", it really makes no sense
Experts say that over 100 lines of messages are considered long and will probably not be read. Internet connection per second due to some corporate taxation, they are too long for messages to accept happily.
Attention to attachment
They are wonderful inventions, but they need to be used with caution. As a brief message up to you attached, you certainly have the atmosphere also a leader. If he opens your e-mail and waits for another program to open the attached document, if you need an attachment with all the meat attached at 20 in some restaurants, the recipient To inform the contents of the attached file. It can contain the strange extension of the attachment.
Be careful when sending mail to multiple recipients
In the case of asking in front, when you list yourself to each person in charge, we will continue to move forward in turn. If the information is not interested in them, the recipient becomes irritated. Everyone receives support from Mr. Masaruiwa, if something is paculi, repeat it over and over.
Also, there are all addresses Before you go out to the address book, it is again mail. A year ago, employees forgot the address of his address book, he sent a critiqued message to the chief. The message was brought to my boss as well, of course, the employee was dismissed.
Writing notes
Too popular e - mails are not accepted by everyone, and e - mails of "John cows" are not recognized at all. If you do not speak to the person you know, do not use short phrases. There may be a view that it is one of emoticons that you use something, too. Then check the text misspelling for correction. E-mail with lots of mistakes does not look good and does not make a bad impression.
Formatting issues
Not all mail programs are simple, but whatever they are doing, the simplest form is possible. Perhaps the recipient can not see the green pot and the flowers send by you. Please wait for the exercise of communication design by email, but it is easy.
Start and finish
Do not start the message of at least a simple "Hello". Many people jump right to the subject. It's formal, it does not have to be just polite anything. "Dear" or "Hello" is very appropriate. At the end there may be a view of "sincere", but also using "official" is "best" or "o".
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