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Title: Best Child - Trust - Fund (CTF)

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The government announced earlier this month that the number of children with child trust funds reached over 3 million. However, Treasury Deputy Economic Secretary Kitty Ussher also emphasized that only three quarters of parents are positively opening up their child trust fund account

This means that for the 750,000 children whose parents did not open a child trust fund, the opportunity to earn one year's benefit is lost. In fact, the cumulative loss of interest on all open funds will be estimated at £ 15 million!

Compare child trust fund and child trust fund, compare child trust fund

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The government announced earlier this month that the number of children with child trust funds reached over 3 million. However, Treasury Deputy Economic Secretary Kitty Ussher also emphasized that only three quarters of parents are positively opening up their child trust fund account

This means that for the 750,000 children whose parents did not open a child trust fund, the opportunity to earn one year's benefit is lost. In fact, the cumulative loss of interest on all open funds will be estimated at £ 15 million!

The Child - Trust - Fund is a long - term savings investment plan set by the government to encourage parents to save for their children 's future. The Child Trust Fund is available to all children born after September 1, 2002. Children will receive the first £ 250 in vouchers to open their child's trust fund account, even at £ 250, when they reach 7 years old. In addition to this money, parents, family and friends can contribute up to £ 1,200 each year to the fund.

The trust funds of children who have been established are relatively simple and can be selected. A number of banks and building societies available from three types of accounts (cash, stakeholders or stocks) Recent studies from their own offer, contract terms and fee, children's actuarial professional profession each, most parents It is simply overwhelmed by the amount of information it receives. In many cases, you need concise information to simplify and compare the various accounts available.

Currently, there are several websites that compare the only cash trust fund, but only one cash, a stakeholder and stock (or stock) trust funds: a comparison table of all three types of child trust fund We are leading the way by offering. has all-inclusive, compare all children's trust funds to parents who are easy to understand Child trust funds they can use

Joe Luong, Marketing Director "Customers are overwhelmed by many parents and are children's trust funds on the use of financial institutions from a large number of brochures and leaflets, some maybe they are too many things to know where to start thinking about."

"What the neonatal parents need is explained in simple English on how to best compare the child's child trust fund, clear and can parent newly It is a source of confidence from children 's trust funds, and on one site, they see the product review seeking guidance from other parents in the form of a discussion forum on children' s trust fund , Child trust funds ratio "

Further lightly introduced new parents for other stresses and tensions recently introduced simple child table trust fund parents as much as possible and download child child trust fund "E-pamphlet selection, PDF File Each brochure will provide specific information to that particular child's trust fund.The access to this information on this one site will require the investigation and time of each parent for each product Save all the websites you find

The message from the government is clear. Parents who invested their children's trust fund voucher and decided to gain interest in that investment are more than 25% of parents who opted not to do anything so act now! Begin comparing the best child trust fund for your child before missing more interests!

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