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Title: Big Brother I Was Watching You

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They're watching us watching them ... Big Bill watched Big Brother.

Big Brother

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Just my thoughts ...

Rula Lenska
Rock Follies and this TV Folly. Rock Follies was arguably the start of her career in the public eye and this TV Folly looks like being being the in fairness, though what a nightmare she must have found herself in - a 57 - year - old, clearly past her physical best, finding herself in the company of a Mata Hari (Faria), a Daisy Duke (Chantelle), Britain's Primo Slapper (Jodie) and, to cap it all, Baywatch Babe Traci! Most woman well past a certain age would bridle at the thought of competing with any of them, poor Rula had I thought George Galloway was right in his comments after she did that ludicrous striptease - she was, indeed, trying too hard. Who would not have their confidence rocked? put on arguably was not the best one one. Go to bed with a countess, wake up with a count. Gee, I'd rather go to bed with Pete - at least he looks the same in the mornings as he does last thing at night!

Chantelle Houghton
A (not quite) singing version of Jade Goody.
I have no further comment other than to observer she seems areal-life (I have no further more than a moment) version of Billie Piper's character Rose in the current Dr. Who.

Dennis Rodman
Everyone knew Pete Burns had a hard time deciding what to wear for about what is poor Dennis, eh? Let's (hypothetically) listen in .... "Uhm it's time to get up, what kind of look is I wear today? Little Lord Fauntleroy? Nope, that that the other day. Geisha? No, Pete'll do that any minute "(and he did)." I got it - lemme see now, just giving the ol 'tattoos a burnish ... .get them pointy studs all in ... adjust the baseball cap just so ... and there it is - third circle of Hell! Yay, me, not that I give a shit ... "
Did anyone note that while Pete Burns got awful raggeddy when he ran short of booze and cigarettes, both Dennis Rodman and the adorable Traci Bingham got grouchy when the food got low? They being the two pro athletes it was not at all surprising. I noticed Dennis complaining that training without proper food was not too much fun. Probably the first time he's had to do it.
Do you know how HARD that is? And he made it look so simple! No wonder this guy is major league.

Jodie Marsh
Poor, poor Jodie. I gather, though, that there's a very upbeat enthusiastic and likeable girl in there somewhere. She seems to be gathering acolytes rather than making friendships, confusing fans with friends. When Pete Burns and Michael Barrymore were trying to get through to her late one night, Michael suggested to her that she try and envisage a certain scenario just for the sake of argument. Oh no I could not agree to that, says our Jodie, That would be immoral and I do not tell lies. Something like seemed to be happening when she was was talking to Davina McCall after her eviction, Davina gently suggesting that the other housemates had been trying to act in Jodie's best interests and Jodie went immediately off on a complete tangent in her reply.
I think myself that there's a big big rock sitting in the head of Jodie Marsh, never referred to, never to be admitted to. Something that Jodie finds so terrifying that she visibly flees from considering the rock's very existence.
One suspects that self-contemplation is not a regular pastime for Miss Marsh. A shame, as rarely does one encounter a light bulb that really, really needs need to change.
Poor, poor Jodie.

(Sam) Preston
Just like Dennis Rodman, I had no idea who got hered in a band called the Ordinary Boys, and going from his appearance in general, I 'd have put them them somewhere between the Jam and and number of ska bands , say, The Selector? Later in the show we were treated to some Ordinary Boys tunes and it looks as though I was not too far off the money.
Apart from that, I knew nothing before about Le Preston and I know little else now, other than that he seems to be a perfectly decent sort of geezer with, I rather imagine, considerable woman trouble on his plate.
All quite ordinary, in fact.

Michael Barrymore
How infinite in frailty, his new personna suggests, and I have no reason to believe anything other than that the face we saw was the real one. He seemed a perfectly decent being, flawed, ragged round th

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