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Here you can read about the history of popular game bingo including dry beans, stuttering girls and angry professors.
In Bingo, the game beano by lottery game machine, Edwin S. Slow, Bingo card, history, arts
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The origin of contemporary bingo returns to Italy of the 16th century when the lottery game Lo Giuoco del Lotto dItalia was introduced. Popular chance games were introduced to North America in the late 1920s by the name of BEANO. A New York toy salesperson was responsible for increasing popularity in the whole country when renaming the game to bingo.
In the late eighteenth century, the original Italian lotto game made a way to France. Historic evidence is that the game called Lullet was popular among the high societies of France used to play games at parties and social gatherings
Le Lotto was playing with special cards in 3 rows and 9 rows. There were five random numbers and four spaces in each column, but the three columns consist of ten numbers each. Each player announces a different lot card with that number and returns it to the caller. The first player that covers one line won the game.
By the 19th century, Lotto games spread around Europe and began to function as a moralistic child's game. In the 1850s, some educational lottery games were in the German toy market. The purpose of the lotto game was to teach the children how to spell the words and how to hang the numbers.
By the 1920s, a similar version of the Lotto games, also known as beano, was popular in counties across the country. At Beano, the players put the beans on their cards to mark the number called. The first player who completed the complete line of his card used to cry Beano! According to the name of Edwin S. Row New Yorker toy sales staff visited the country sample outside Jacksonville, Georgia until one night in December 1929.
On the way back to New York, Row purchased bean equipment including dry beans, rubber number stamps and cardboard. In his New York home, Row had hosted a friendly beano game. During one game, I was managing to complete one excited victory full line stuttering out bingo, instead of listening to Beano's excited stuttering girl, Edwin S. Lowe's thought has passed . Lowe decided to develop a new game called Bingo.
Row 's bingo game was making the first step in the market, but a priest in Pennsylvania asked for a row to use the game for charity purposes. After a short trial period, the priest said the bingo game to the church I found that I lost money. Since the types of bingo cards were limited, each bingo game ended up winning more than five people.
In order to develop the game and lower the probability of victory, Row approached Professor Carl Refler, a mathematician at Columbia University. It is a unique combination as a big bingo card that produced Leffler. By 1930, Row had 6,000 bingo cards, Professor Leffler was crazy.
Since then, the popularity of bingo games such as financing has continued to grow. In less than 5 years, about 10,000 weekly bingo games occurred during North America. Row's company has grown to adopt thousands of employees and occupy more than 60 presses for 24 hours.
Now, bingo is one of the most popular chance games in the world. It will be played in the United States, UK, Australia, New Zealand, other parts of the world church, school, local bingo hall, land based casino.
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