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I love Mexican folk art! As much as possible, I will try to purchase it directly from a craftworker who creates it. The work to tell me, I will keep and add to my collection. Other, I will share with family and friends as gifts, or sell to fans of other collectors and home decorations.
Many people choose world-renowned Mexican artists and others in the collection of materials to be collected and other practical items such as Talavera dishes, hand-woven fabrics and silver jewelry. Some like cere items. .
Mexican folk art, collector, home decoration, beads mask, prayer pot, Oaxacan wooden sculpture
Article Body:
I love Mexican folk art! As much as possible, I will try to purchase it directly from a craftworker who creates it. The work to tell me, I will keep and add to my collection. Other, I will share with family and friends as gifts, or sell to fans of other collectors and home decorations.
Many people choose world-renowned Mexican artists and others in the collection of materials to be collected and other practical items such as Talavera dishes, hand-woven fabrics and silver jewelry. Some prefer items of ritual or religious nature such as bead mask, prayer bowl or retablos. Still others are fascinated by the whimsical design of Orahakan wood sculptures known as bright colors and alebrije painted tin ornaments and died miniature each of these items, and not many mentioned Contributes to the diversity and appeal of Mexican folk art.
The history of Mexico is depicted in Mexican folk art. Each work tells a story or provides a symbolic expression of Mexican people and their culture. Several folk art reflects past indigenous culture, many are lost to colonization by Spaniards. The influence of Spain exists in several works as it is the theme of Christianity, paganism, folklore studies. True Collective Studies Mexican Faith and Depth of Cultural Values The Mexican Folk Performing Arts.
Mexican folkcraft must be genuine to ensure that the collector's collection as a good one will be good. One important factor is the use of indigenous materials from each region of Mexico. For example, alebrije is made from copal tree. This tree grows only in the valley of Oaxaca. Craftsmanship is a clue as another evidence. Technology and style change among craftsmen, price and quality reflect ability. However, authentic works are always aesthetic, well made, and typically whether the artist signed, whether his or her village pointed out, at least hecho
If you can visit Mexico, buy folk art directly from craftsmen or purchase from a local shop in the area where it was done. As long as it is not a sightseeing spot from a purchasing customer, it is the quality of the inferior item of the item that you would like to pay, which may be inexpensive. If your purchase is limited to US specialty stores, galleries and online stores, make sure you are dealing with a reputable seller and always buy
For additional help, there are numerous resources available in your local bookstore. The best, but expensive, master of Mexican folk art by Fernandez * de * Calderon Candida. Several other good hands-on folk arts and guides related to specific kinds of regions in Mexico.
One of the last and my opinion is the most important. When you purchase and collect Mexican folk art, you enable them to support their family Craftsmen through fair trade You also have a continuation of old craftsmanship of ancient traditions and generations I am supporting.
Let's go shopping now!
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