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Everything you need to know about color to make a perfect choice. Please make full use of the color ensemble by adjusting jewelry with the whole ensemble.
Now you have an easy way to perfect color all the time. Please follow the instructions in this article.
Clothes are not looking pretty right, but when you do not know the reasons, you will resolve these tough problems. It's your color, it's easy to decipher if you know the color secret.
Fashion color, fashion and color adjustment, jewelry site color, color fashion jewelry, fashionista, color theory, how your jewelry, fa
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The color is your jewelry, your clothes, everywhere. Color is life. What
Here is a bit of fashionista's crooked and color theory.
Primary color
These are red, blue and yellow. In theory, you can create arbitrary colors from these three primary colors (except for white without color in fact). In fact, depending on how the red, blue, or yellow begins, remember that the primary colors are red, blue, yellow as you do not mix the paint here, so why are you going to the next step I will learn.
The secondary color is the color you get from mixing the same amount of every two primary colors. (If the primary is pure, mixing all three will make it black.)
The secondary is purple, orange and green.
Now, why do you care?
If preliminary selection is in irradiation and secondaries complementary color relationship. The complementary color is made by mixing the other two primaries, if it is a color opposite from that on the color wheel, or if it begins with the Primary therefore essentially the color and its complement are all between them Of the primary.
The red compliment is green (Merry Christmas!) The yellow's complement is purple. Blue's complement is orange.
This is the contrast that can be obtained between colors of the same value (brightness or darkness). If you want a bold statement, Primary is a treat.
Enter the Secondary
Secondary color is made by mixing equal parts of any two compensation. Therefore, the secondary colors are green (yellow and blue), orange (yellow and red), purple (blue and red).
Let's say you have a yellow dress and want to make this clothes a traffic stopper. If it is daytime, you can use bold purple jewels and accessories. This classic combination of purple and yellow is eye-catching. It can be sophisticated, clear, or more playful, depending on the yellow and purple you start with.
But you do not always want to be so attentive. What color it uses more subtle fashion tables.
The yellow and purple colors used above are complementary colors. That is the direct color wheel.
The color to each side of our main color complement is a triad color. (Triad do the sum starting with plus, so the other two do a total of three colors.) Triples are our friends for picking jewelry or other accessories.
Let's see our yellow dress once more. This time I am wearing it for business meetings. What is a suitable jewel? Yellow gold is too close - it tends to wash away. The entire costume looks monotonous (more monotonous than if you are not using gold jewelry).
Silver works, especially if it is very bright and if the silver is a little thin and the yellow of the dress. But you do not have to stick to gold or silver. There are many colors of jewels and jewels. It is a trial sapphire necklace. Blue is pretty set off yellow and both shine. Or a red brooch. If you tend to be red you can also make it blue for a bright effect for oranges.
How do you currently love only vivid purple blouses? How to make it accessory? Purple is already such a bold color.
Well, we do the opposite of what we did in a yellow dress.
For our purple blouse, if you want to be bold and outrage you go for a bright gold (yellow) or just a yellow gem.
Silver blue is too close to our purple, so silver does not work in purple (as gold was in a yellow dress). Of course, red is purple and wonderful, but it shows that all the rules are broken (there is of course discrimination and taste).
We can unite our purple blouses with sunburn skirts (tan in yellow form) and dress it for negotiations. We want our jewelry to be slightly subtle. In this case, let's use an orange or green triad color for purple, not yellow. Jewelry that such a bold choice remembers will cultivate de
What is an amber pendant? It will be nicely turned off by a purple background, without being flashy or flashy.
Or emerald brooch and earrings, or green frog pin. The possibilities are endless within your basic color choice. Adhere to these color constraints, there is nothing wrong.
Let's consider a classic gray business suit this time. The gray suit you think about can be selected neutrally, so the color will be decided. This is rare and it is possible that the ensemble will not work.
Most grays and blue / cool / red / yellow (warm). In any case the suit is gray or warm gray. If you have a problem with this (and it can be difficult at first) try trying to hold it on another gray item in your house You know it's a little red (or yellow) Or you will start to notice that it looks a bit more blue. It is a gray suit of color bias of judgment I said that it is important.
The warmest gray used for clothing is reddish gray. This is because red complements complexion. There are some yellow greys, which are very sophisticated colors of garments in particular.
For the purposes of our color choice, we consider it a blue. Blue's complement is orange.
Since we want to make this a business suit, we start picking triads on both sides of oranges. Red and yellow. This tells us that gold is the perfect choice for our gray suit. Silver will wash clothes if it is too blue.
Right now is red or yellow. If you are using glue accessories, gold, whether it is wearing with judgment gold jewelry is reddish gold or golden color.
This is done in the same way as the suit itself by comparing with other colors.
If the gold is reddish, keep the other accessories in the red and yellow range. If gold is yellow, it maintains other colors in the range of yellow orange.
Please note, the description "Yellow Gold" is for any gold that is not white (silver). Yellow Golds is a very light yellow to deep red range, so please check each piece of jewelry when you put your clothes together. Yellow gold next to each other with red gold will subtlely mistake unless they are carefully bound to a single piece by master jeweler. The lack of understanding about the trend of gold that appears as a result of different colors due to fashion mistakes is that it is difficult to pin down.
Yes, I will tell you that we chose a beautiful Golden Horse pin as part of our primary jewelry. Now that trend, it is red a little more. This makes the rest of our accessories easy.
We are going for red and even towards cooler reds (more towards purple, rather towards yellow and orange). Our golden brooch and deep slightly purplish red scarf Our gray lawsuit will stay like a business, but you gain a powerful female appeal.
If you want more colors, choose red triads, blue or yellow.
However, there are three other simple steps to supplement jewelry:
1) Determine the basic color of your clothes. This is the dominant color. Purple is the dominant color if you wear a sunburn skirt and a purple blouse.
If there is a pattern on the costume, look at it and see what colors are most dominant (this is an old artist's trick). If not, the whole pattern to determine if it will be a certain color is our gray suit that was warm. I can narrow my eyes again.
2) Find a color supplement of your color wheel. If you really want to make it stand out, stop using this completion, using completion - you are done!
3) see the Trinity color next to supplements. In most cases, these are the colors you use for your accessories. You can use both triads if you want a brighter look. For a more subtle look, choose one or the other, then use this color change (every single color change is almost infinite).
That's it - guarantee that your costume is always tress chic and grasp that you have not selected it by your very own right or hit and mistake
Of course, the color of fashion changes every year, but I understand the combination of colors and how to combine them.
Come to part 2 and how colors influence each other.
To see this page with color wheels and other illustrations you can print for your reference, please visit http://www.gorgeousanimaljewelry.com/fashion-colors.html
Style on!
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