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Title: Ethnicity and regionalism, is your race and culture burdened?

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How can we all turn around from competition, color or culture articles about competition, color or culture so if I make a preemptive strike and this is victimized about articles about corrections there is no race problem in irritability I want to read it. However, in this article, we understand that they derive from the collection of observations of race and ethnicity as applied to more commercial voice business and more than anything, carry out voice over over 10 years and all After coaching the talent from the walk of life, these are some of what I have seen and they are

Voice actor, actor, audition, voice over, home studio design

Article Body:
In this article, it is on the shelf behind my heart for a while. I was waiting for the time to write it as much as I was waiting for the correct word and expression to come to the forefront. This will always be a sensitive subject, so I will try to treat it that way. I was further inspired by the recent departure of Isaac Hayes from a hit comedy cartoon South Park to get it on the present paper. The story of his departure includes religion and politics, neither of which applies to this article. There were times when people in Ishac Hayes' voice character chefs were showing on such animation series in progress. Why is his show, work while working in his situation, a correlation called "show" It is now given to the topic of the same family and a little citizen's attention to write it as some other It seems that it was a fairly good time.

So ok already, a legitimate reason for writing it is enough. Take it ...

In the few years of learning business in voice and out, I always wonder if the voice above might become a big pillar of equality someday. We call America America Leveling playing field for diversified multicultural society; something; business with open door for all, regardless of where we are playing field like this wherever I am To keep pondering the possibilities, the answer to the overall question does not resonate. It is not always an equal stadium at any time, but it may not be all of the same old reasons you suspect it might be.

In other business, "Posting job offers or lists with criteria or parameters like recruitment, African-American men or women is" or "looking for a white male in North America for this job "; Because they are not the limits, submission of work postings," There is no need for others to apply.

However, with the voice beyond the industry, selecting and choosing between male or female, black, white or Hispanic as well as daily occurrence, as it is done by the producers and casting directors the business is done as free Match the pursuit like "finite" Does this make them evil and frightening? No .. lacking is also reminiscent of how to keep new relationships evenly spreading opportunities, movies and Imagine the front entrance of the big American corporation covered in this post with this effect: "Computer - programmer is a slight city hue to her voice" This idea is at least for this day and age , Must be far from the domain of ridiculous possibilities, but everyday posts that imply this to business voice or do not infer every day There. They came out immediately, I say it.

No one can tell the true intention behind the people hiring for the project and because of our own sanity we are their intentions Mel Gibson is in the passion of Christ In all of the attention and criticism I received for his hands, I thought of the lead of the black men, so far in the people of the foundry department, to keep the accuracy of the story, part of Jesus Did you play the leading role of white men? If so, there are many in the rest of the world questioning this country and its accuracy.

Wait a moment .. I can feel that this article will be spiral ... apply the breaks, return to the creator, and return to the topic ...


People's true intent is buried deeply in general, so it is pointless to start looking for it. If we want to move beyond the prejudice in this business and the possibility of exception, we have to find a way to deceive coach and people. A way to hit a system that may be in place and may not be. In other words, the way to overcome obstacles to this point remains faceless, it may never work. If you do not want to fight another, or you are fighting. Not a very bright prospect.

Destroy the barrier.

My mind opens to an unknown charm as I have the opportunity to coach her voice above her talent with a different ethnic background. I'm making noise on my own and so deeply and different crevasse that my receptors are in high alarms. There are many things I have never seen in Crevasse, a culture I may not have witnessed, I have never thought many If I have not encountered It is part of the existence of humans and they may shape me a little, as they are shaping this person. If I do, I learn from seeing and I feel better Molds Educate my approach. It is usually much easier than to complete. In many cases, I encounter actors and broadcasting talent who fought very hard to suppress regionalism, ethnicity, nationality.

Much of my ability to break through these barriers is simply a development approach to building trust. I can ask why everything is trying to break through these walls. When I talk to someone, perhaps for the same reason I would like to see me with their eyes. As a coach, it is my job to dig deeply as deeply as possible to find raw talent. Then I need to bring that talent to the surface that can breathe, grow and prosper. This is an art form that requires performance art, human business, people are their true self. I am trying to teach you how to make characters for voice actors. I need to be able to see the real person. It may find the voice I'm trying to coach. I can not coach people decorated with shallow façades. I want to talk to someone just behind the wall

The reality is that the social pressure and socioeconomic status as well as cultural background will be the strongest influence governing how people present themselves to others The factors mentioned above are something you If it leads to speak like a talent, a producer, a company that hires outright freeters over utopia communities of commercial voices, how we speak, our intonation and the regional deliverables of our sounds, Regardless of whether we are successful in this industry or not,

Become a better version of yourself.

So many people pursue the voice or forced by the literal literature to form their sound to something more considered for the broadcast carriers will be considered more user-friendly Who will make those laws, that policy only I Not set to be unknown to the rest of us, but more, it instructs it, the cultures are lost, the region's taste is embedded. What is left over is, in turn, a fully manufactured sound that becomes a permanent public or professional voice of a person. Many times it sounds forced, in turn, it becomes a fake sound. Through creep that starts with voice or fake with an announcer sound. Force, fake announcer style reading is not on top of the business voice voice hit list.

Producers and regular people who may cast voice talent are searching for the voice and feeling of real people; people or girls from a coffee shop, the people they met at the bank, essentially they Choose people to interact during the normal course of business. When a lot of work voice is thrown, it is trying to make us see the well known surface, or producer and foundry people to remake

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