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To paint the shelf or book shelves of that coat

All items made from wood do not need to be dyed Whether it is built in the unfinished coat rack or in the case of the book, the painting is some basic about painting, average to the work of great painting You can turn painting work. Appropriate tools and supplies are absolutely necessary just like any project.

Let's start with paint, or better primer that needs to use good primer. Most primers come in only traditiona but it is a good idea to dye primers. .

Small tits. :

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All items made from wood do not need to be dyed Whether it is built in the unfinished coat rack or in the case of the book, the painting is some basic about painting, average to the work of great painting You can turn painting work. Appropriate tools and supplies are absolutely necessary just like any project.

Let's start with paint, or better primer that needs to use good primer. It is mostly primer entering your traditional white color and using your dark color for your final color on your paint supplier so that you can ask the paint color to color the primer to the color you are painting If you have, apply 3 or 4 coats to get good coverage on white primer

What is in the paint brush As for brushes, most people make a big mistake. Clean up Kanon than I was done - please wash. If you give yourself a treat using this time maybe better words for it are investing in good paint impressions They usually paint no very much different quality sensation difference at around $ 20.00 paint for no reason. There are two types of paint brushes, natural and synthetic This is a brush of synthetic fiber, which uses natural hair brush for finish pointing to bristles as a good rule of thumb based on water. Other things to look for with a brush, the softness checks how the hair feels against your shin and they need to have split ends.

Do not load or immerse the brush so that more than a third of the length of the hair is a paint tap Brush against the side of the brush Cutting or other paint on the side of the container Painting side and hard First area We start by reaching and terminating a large flat area. Professional painters often do not tape up, but it is a good idea for beginners, handy rags are also good picks for quick cleanup even for coat racks, night stands and other furniture If the paintings really quite easily have the right tools, do a little practice.

Hand palm - hand and finger combination

Combination of hands and fingers

Before reading the palm, look at your fingers and see if they are short or long. This is not always easy to measure when you are just beginning, but if you practice a little, you can evaluate the length of the finger at a glance

They are considered to have long fingers if they can touch the spot when folding at least seven eight of the way along the palm of the hand. Unfortunately, there are exceptions, but some people have very flexible hands, but others are very unstable. .

Small tits. :
Combination of palms, fingers and fingers

Article body:
Combination of hands and fingers

Before reading the palm, look at your fingers and see if they are short or long. This is not always easy to measure when you are just beginning, but if you practice a little, you can evaluate the length of the finger at a glance

They are considered to have long fingers if they can touch the spot when folding at least seven eight of the way along the palm of the hand. Unfortunately, there are exceptions, but some people have very flexible hands and others are very hard. Also, a person with a very rectangular palm may have a long finger that only reaches the middle of the palm, as the palm itself is very long. With experience, you will be able to instantly see if your finger is long or short, looking at someone's palm.

The problem comes when you find your hands with fingers that you seem not to be as long or short as you are first learning. Fortunately, we can cover that situation.

Long fingers

If the finger is long, that person pays attention to details and you can say:
"You enjoy complicated work.You will be patient and enjoy all the awkward bits - you like the details of things.Your work needs to be very consuming and satisfied.It is too much If easy it loses interest very quickly.

Short finger

People with short fingers are almost opposite. They are interested in a wide range of strokes, not details, they do not have much patience.

you are:

"You are always busy, there are times when you have something new to finish up and finish up, it is your last task.You often have several things at the same time on the go. Patience is not your strong suit, because your wish is, your impulsivity got you in trouble in the past, in some respect you are Jack of all transactions.

middle finger

Naturally, people with fingers that are not long or short are classified as intermediate categories.

you are:

"Sometimes there are already, but there is a tendency to jump first at other times and think afterwards.When you want something really interested, I want to get it right to the bottom of it and work everything. If it is only interesting, I will scoop up on it and lean it to learn it from many details.

We have four possibilities:

1. Square hand with short fingers
2. Square hand with long fingers
3. Rectangle hand with short fingers
4. Rectangle hand with long fingers

This is the classification used in the palm of China. It comes from Fred Getting monumental book, hand book. The four types are named after the ancient four elements:

Fire, earth, air and water. These are very closely related to the description of the signs of astrology fire, earth, air and water, but it does not necessarily mean that Sagittarius (fire sign) has a fire You can use all of the zodiac You will find people with four types of hands to the signs of.

Four elements: fire, earth, air, water


The fire is hot, flirting and constantly moving. Can burn with gentle heat that can provide. We carefully handle the needs there. The fire is rectangular with short fingers. People with such hands are likely to be emotional, enthusiastic and creative. Short fingers mean hatred for details. A long palm adds an intuition.

For those with such hands:

"You have a perfect great heart of wonderful ideas.These thoughts stimulate.Your enthusiasm may not last long but it is very important to you at that time.Your emotions are sometimes Although it may be a bit difficult to deal with, you can experience life to the fullest.The details are not your strength, you tend to prefer the whole picture to a messy bit.You can create a creative Being like, I need to be busy in order to be happy.

Hand of the earth

The Earth is a dry, solid part of our planet. Everything that happens on earth depends on the natural rhythm of germination, growth, death, and corruption. The earth expresses immortality and stability.

But all kinds of change are always under the surface. This can lead to earthquakes and other drastic changes. The hands of the earth are like practical hands. It consists of a square palm and short fingers.

People with hands of this type are reliable, realistic and practical. They enjoy repetitive work and are good with their hands. They enjoy the rhythm. They are conservative, reserved, and possessed.
However, it is necessary to judge that even things like the earth will react.

You may tell someone with the hands of the earth:

"You are a hard worker, you think you can do with your physical tasks, and when you can not be stubborn you made some changes easy, you enjoy rhythm and movement, so it's not always a good idea I came across a mysterious sight, perhaps like working outdoors, something practical, you are trustworthy, honest and somewhat reserved.

Air hand

Air is necessary for life. We take it as a matter of course and hardly noticed except for windy days. Because air carries sound waves, it is also necessary for communication. Air creatures such as birds and flight insects are fast moving and active.

Air hands are composed of a square palm and long fingers. These people tend to use logic rather than intuition. They are agile and clearly expressing ourselves. Fun communication learning the motif of American flag and Japanese flag.

Focusing on logic means that these people tend to distrust the emotions of both themselves and others.

Uoo Karate:

"You are discriminatory with intelligent and clear thinking.The relationship is important to you but you will find the logic you get in the way you feel sometimes from time to time.You like to do things thoroughly and reliably. Living with an exciting companion that can not be done is never dull.

Water bowl

Finally, water. If you think about it, the water is still essentially still. Other powers must act to change it. It is also not shaped at the same time it just moves to fill any space available.

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