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Two secrets to a better future

Title: Two secrets to a better future

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A newsletter that motivates your life will guide you to a more fulfilling and rich life.

Motivated people, words of motivation, motivation for myself, self motivation.

Article Body:
Just stop for second and look around you and ask yourself if this is the quality of life you wanted. If you answered "no", I asked you my question "What is doing to change my life? Most people asked what I did to change my life Because it says "Because it does not use ...", it becomes an excuse.

But it does not have to be so. The first step is to stop taking excuses and be responsible for the quality of life. You can change your living situation today. How do I know? I know it because other people did it. There are always obstacles there, but nothing can not be overcome. The only requirement is the desire to change. Mark Twain said, "It is not the size of the battle dog." That is the size of the dog fight. If your "want" is strong enough, you can achieve almost everything you set your mind.

The second step to get out is a step out of faith, just as Nike's commercial says "just do it". There is no time like the present time to change the course. You may not succeed for the first time, but you have to keep trying. Success comes with persistence. Remember the old proverb that "Today is the first remaining day of your life." There is no worry of making a mistake. Albert Einstein once said, "No one has tried a new thing if you have never made a mistake."

So step out. You take a chance, and as William Durant, founder of General Motors said "forget the past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except that you are trying to now, do it.

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