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Understand the red eyes of the photo, and how can you prevent it

It takes you photos of family and friends to find you later that you just have a picture with eyes having dominant redness on them not all you are red eyes pics are all by us It is filmed everyday. In this article, I will try to understand why red eyes occur and how they can be prevented.

Small tits. :
Red-eye Photo Digital Photo Digital Photo Print Album Print

Article body:
<Strong> Why is the eye red in the picture? </ strong>

Red eye is a phenomenon that occurs only when taking pictures using flash. When taking pictures with daylight, or in high ambient light scenarios, people's eyes look normal. When taking pictures with the low ambient light scenario using flash, results are reddish in people's eyes many times.

The reason for the red color is easy - when the flashlight from the camera strikes the eye it will be reflected off the retina and reflected. Since the light is actually reflected from the red blood of the retina, the color of the reflected light is red.

In some scenarios, red eyes are obvious, others are mild or do not appear at all. One of the main reasons for that is the status of the students. If the pupil is dilated (eg when the pupil is in the dark or when you drink alcohol) more light will be reflected off the retina and the eyes of the picture will look red.

<strong> Common way to reduce red eyes </ strong>

The most commonly used method to reduce red eyes activates the built-in red-eye reduction function of the camera. The feature of red eye reduction is very simple but effective. When you turn on the camera, you will shoot a series of pre-flash strobes where another strobe will follow when you actually take a picture. By the flash before the flash, the student will be reduced by a sufficiently small amount due to the redness of the eyes to significantly reduce the pupils by the time the pictures are taken.

The red-eye reduction function reduces the red-eye effect, but it is almost never completely prevented, what it is supposed to do. This feature has many limitations. Also, this feature can have side effects that bring people's eyes closed pictures. The reason is that the preflash strobe blinds people and closes their eyes.

<strong> Other ways to prevent red eyes </ strong>

Understanding such as red standing out and preventing creative. Below are some ways to prevent red eyes other than using built-in camera's red eye reduction function:

If you increase the light being photographed (eg, turn on the lights in the room before taking a picture of people), the pupils of people will be smaller and the redness of the eyes will be reduced.

Point the flash from the eyes. The best way to prevent red eyes as red eyes are caused by flash light reflected from the retina eliminates such reflections as much as possible In most cameras the angle between the flash and the lens is narrowing This is especially true for built-in flash and pocket camera). Increasing the angle (for example, using an external flash) reduces reflected light. You can also use bounce flash - by having flashlight bounce from a bright side (white wall or professional reflector)

You can also delete red eyes after taking pictures using photo processing software on your PC. Most digital cameras and other CDs are to embed personal computer software. This method does not exclude red eyes from the source, but it can be virtually red eye free pictures. Some software automatically handles that area to identify red eyes and return to normal eye color, some others are manual

Understand the size of the photo printing paper or what is 4XD?

Online Printing It is common today to order paper size prints like 4XD. In this article I will explain what 4XD means and why the old paper size does not work with digital cameras.

Small tits. :
4 X 6 4 X D Ratio Photograph printing Paper size Photographic printing taken with a digital camera

Article body:
<Strong> What is an aspect ratio? </ strong>

Every photo or movie has an aspect ratio aspect ratio. The aspect ratio is the relationship between the horizontal and vertical size of the picture. To calculate the aspect ratio, divide the width or picture by its height. For example, if the TV in normal mode has an aspect ratio of 4: 3, or in other words, dividing the width of the screen by its height, the result is 4/3. On the other hand, the aspect ratio of the widescreen television is 16: 9.

When you take a picture with a camera light that moves through the lens, hit the sensor (conventional digital camera or CCD film). The sensor then translates the light into a two-dimensional picture. The sensor itself has physical attributes such as width, height, granularity (film), number of pixels (digital CCD sensor), and so on.

<strong> Aspect ratio and photo print link </ strong>

When printing photos on paper, the aspect ratio of the paper must be the same as the aspect ratio of the sensor used to capture the photo. If the aspect ratio is different, it will fit in the blank area remaining on the paper or the paper, but it will become an extended photo that distorts the objects in it.

Why does it happen? The answer is very simple. For illustrative purposes, we can assume a photo sensor that is 6 inches wide and 4 inches tall (the actual sensor is much smaller). We assume that we are trying to print photos taken with that sensor on paper that is 4 inch in height. If the paper width is less than 6 inches, there is not enough space on the paper, so you need to cut out a part of the photo. If the paper width is more than 6 inches, there is not enough pictures to print to 6 inches or more, so you need to leave a blank area on the paper. If we want exactly our pictures to fit the page, you can shrink the picture horizontally to whatever stretch or paper size whatever - but that

<strong> Print on 4 x 6 paper </ strong>

One of the most common paper sizes is 4 × 6. Because it used this size, it is a traditional film camera of photographs photographed for many years. Since the conventional film had an aspect ratio of 3: 2, the picture taken with the conventional film camera will fit perfectly in the 4 × 6 paper.

Beyond the scope of reasons This article is a traditional film camera compared to different aspects of sensor for digital camera. Popularity image sizes summarized in the table below, in pixels, each aspect ratio (sensor pixels, width X height, aspect ratio):

2 MP-1600 X 1200 - Aspect ratio 4: 3 <br>
3 MP-2048 X 1536 - Aspect ratio 4: 3 <br>
4 MP-2272 X 1704 - Aspect ratio 4: 3 <br>
5 MP-2592 X 1944 - Aspect ratio 4: 3 <br>
6MP - 2816X2112 - Aspect ratio 4: 3 <br>
8 MP-3200 X 2400 - Aspect ratio 4: 3

It is 4: 3 aspect ratio depending on the number of pixels of the digital sensor seen as.

What happens when we try to fit digital photos on 4 × 6 paper? The pictures just do not fit! It's too wide or too expensive. For example if we want to print at full 4 inch height we only meet 51/3 inch (4 × 51/3 is a 4: 3 aspect ratio) and 2/3

To solve this problem, there are a lot of print service users to the paper size of the use are some pictures of the crop. The premise is that instead of cutting the part of the photo that is not important to the user and leaving a blank area on the print that would prefer to use the entire paper for the rest Some services allow the user to take a picture Trimming or leaving a blank area on printing, this setting automatically applies to all his prints

<strong> What is 4XD paper? </ strong>

Popular digital cameras, digitally print paper sizes to introduce many printing services to digital print. This means that the aspect ratio of the paper they offer is 4: 3, so the pictures taken with the digital camera will perfectly match the paper.

The new digital compatible paper size is as close as possible to the conventional film paper size with an aspect ratio of 4: 3 (digital sensor aspect ratio). So in the digital world, the paper size of 4X6 actually becomes 4X5 1/3 (the paper size of the 4: 3 aspect ratio can be 4X6 size)

As a marketing gimmick, instead of writing exact paper sizes instead of 4xd means "using the abbreviation" 4xd "-4xDigital or in other words" We are 4x6

As digital cameras become increasingly popular, it is expected that paper sizes for digital cameras will increase. A few years from now, most printing services will support digital paper size by default, with the exception of those compatible with film.

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