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Understanding toothache

Pain is always a big problem in dentistry. The fear of the pain of the dentist is actually very high, so many people say that as long as they are paralyzed until their condition is as serious as there are no other alternatives than they refer to the dentist , They sometimes fall asleep, but the majority of individuals are fear of dental chairs. Although numbness shots may be a bit painful, once they are finished - there is no literal pain any more.

In most cases, people focus on getting shots that only increase pain. Something that does not hurt normally can be simply got worse than simply thinking by thinking in your mind that something is painful. In most cases, it was assumed to be the same as the intermediary shot. If you are already feeling a pain when visiting a dentist, the shot reassures your mind and stops the pain almost instantly.

If there is tremendous fear of toothache and you simply can not stand the idea of ​​getting a shot, you are interested in gas or IV sedative laughter. Tsutsu niece "Tsuzu" Tsutsutsutsutsutsutsu Tsu Tsu IV sedation can be conscious or put you in. Usually, most people Because I do not want to hear teeth grinding and snapping, IV sedation is preferred during the removal of the teeth of wisdom, it works through your veins and the anaesthesia is inserted through your veins into your arms .

If you choose either laughing gas or IV sedation, before your dentist turns on two medications, before he gives you a shot or beyond, it is usually I feel something, I do not remember it. Laughing gas and IV sedation can put your heart on ease so it is not uncomfortable during your surgery or extraction.

Toothache has many fears, but it is not as bad as they think. Most of the fear actually comes from thinking you do not know or hurt a lot. The worst part of tooth work is a numbness shot that does not really hurt everything bad. If you get numb, you will find that you will lose pain. Toothache is not as bad as you can hear and think.

Do not hesitate to get a dentist if you need dental work or have bad toothache. Dentists explain what he is doing in your procedure sedation or ask about all other forms of medication. I feel that I only need to find a shot, reservation, payment, all procedures are necessary.


Type of tooth fracture of teeth

Fractures are common in the dental world. Fractures and cracks occur at all ages, but more for people over 25 years of age. They are very painful, difficult to diagnose, yet sometimes easy to handle. There are several types of fractures, but we will explain them below.

The first type of crack is known as oblique supragingival crack. This fracture is on the gums and usually occurs when biting too hard on something. Normally, this fracture is not accompanied by nerves. If the fracture area of ​​the tooth is interrupted, the pain disappears. This exposed dentin may cause some pain and can be visited as a dentist. If the fracture is large, you need to place a crown on the tooth to prevent further fractures from occurring on that tooth.

The second type of crack is known as a diagonal gingival fracture, beyond the method under the gingival line. As the tooth bone fragment breaks, it usually remains attached to the gums, causing you severe pain until you remove it. If you have a tooth part removed from the gums, the tooth resembles a supragingival fracture. As a result of lost tooth areas, you may need to have a root canal that cleans your teeth before you have a crown that puts it,

The seriousness of this fracture depends on how much it exceeds the gum line. If it is deeply contained in the gum line it may not be possible to save teeth. Before you begin to feel pain, cracks can exist for many years. He can check cracks and other problems To be on the safe side, you need to go to a regular checkup with your dentist.

The oblique root fracture is next, but the crown does not involve anything at all. This type of fracture is most often under the gum, usually under the bone. If a root fracture is found near the tooth crown of a tooth, it turns out to be usually fatal. In some cases teeth can be preserved in the root canal, despite being usually lost later due to bone abscess surrounding the fracture.

The last type of fracture is the hardest to deal with. The crack of the root of the vertical vertex occurs with the tip of the root, and even if it has the root canal and the nerve to be removed, it can cause severe pain to strong pain. Despite the absence of nerves, the vertex apex fracture causes a lot of pain occurring on the tooth.

Normally, longitudinal tip cracks cause more pain cracks than any other type. The resulting pain arises from fragments that exert pressure on the bone, causing the fractured part to distort. The only way to get relief from this type of fracture is to get the root canal as it relieves the pain and removes the dead pulp from the affected teeth.

Fractures are very common and very painful, but you should not stop going to the dentist. Fractures can become increasingly serious if you do something about them. Your dentist will be able to diagnose the problem and be able to fix it before it has any opportunity to get worse.


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