The net attack is a heavy artillery of tennis. We are to crush all the defense. Shot Valley or Smash as to whether it will be at the time of the stroke as a point that needs such as.
Once on net hit from the point on the first given opportunity given to get a racket straight-in ball. All the laws of footwork described for the drive are theoretically the same. In fact, you do not have time to change your feet in a rarely set position, so if you throw your weight to the foot closest to the ball,
(1) low volley made from below the waist, and (2) highborn, from waist to head: volley is two classes. The two styles known as (1) deep volley and (2) stop volley contradict the classification of the striking face.
All low explosions are blocked. Tall block or hit it. Never stroke volley. There is no follow through in low volatiles, there is little to high ones.
You hear many stories of "chop" volley. Chop stroke is that the racket moves from above the line of the ball's flight, and through it, the angle made at the back of the racket is greater than 45 degrees, so the reed scales for that many pops tend to be pop Ball air, chop. If you want to, slice volley, or both of these shots are made at a very small angle on the ball's flight line, the racket
For every volley, the wrist must be locked and absolutely stiff. Therefore it should always be under the racket's head, fixing the racket against the influence of the sphere. Please do not attempt to put the power of the incoming shot and your weight back to the ball and make it "wrist". The tilted racket surface leaves the cord and gives the ball the angle essential for the return at first glance, so wrist rotation is not necessary.
Lower firing shots can never be hard hit and because of the height of the net usually should be clearly bent to allow space for ascent. Any ball may hit hard in a plane higher than the top of the net. The stroke is felt cold, wearing, becoming a decisive one, and a ball. Follow-through should be very small. Most low explosions should be soft and short. Most high units require speed and length.
Barre of 'Stop' is shot clogged to the last. I have no power to use. The racket simply fills the opposing ball and stops it. The ball is rebound of its own weight and falls. There is a slight jump into such a blow, so it may be reduced by making the racket slide slightly under influence sphere under influence ball
Volleying is a science based on the old geometric axiom that the straight line is the shortest distance between two points. I mean that volleyer must always cover a straight passing shot because it is the shortest shot to hand him and he will be his dangerous net man like him Johnston It is a great straight volley of. He always strikes his volley straight and struggles to open the opponent's court.
In order to achieve an underground stroke without net players, it will be simple position. Do not think that services and volley are sufficient for top tennis.
Try to kill your shots and your shots will hit the ball cross and cover of the start. Always forcing the man to strive to pass you to play difficult difficult shots.
Attack with your volley. Never defend the ball on the net. The only defensive volley is what is at your feet when you come. That is a shot of the Intermediate Court. You can use it at high speed volley, but the volley needs to win with an arrangement beyond speed.
It is closely related to volley, yet never a volley stroke is overhead smash. That is a big burst of tennis. It is long-range terrorism that should always be scored. Rules governing footwork, position, and volley will be sufficient for overhead. The vibration alone is different. Swing must closely align with slice service. , The racket and arm swing freely from the shoulder, flexible wrist and held it in the court There was no speeding bounce in the point of the overhead center in the point of the overhead, where the time that can be deployed recovered so late It became a keynote.
Do not leap unnecessarily with air to hit overhead type balls. It helps to adjust the weight and maintains at least one foot to give a better balance, both feet to the ground, with smashing, if possible. Hit flat and decisive as necessary to points.
However, the second class of errors is due to lack of confidence that gives a cramped, halfway swing. Continue by your overhead style blow to the limit of your vibrations.
Overhead is basically a doubles shot, because the chance of handing a net man in single is bigger than robing on his head, two people in doubles
In Smashing, the longest distance is the safest shot. So while the Smash Network Court is pressed down, shrinking lobs are decided, people are also playing.
It gives momentum as a hit overhead that can be dropped in, and it will be against the position of attack. Do not crush with the opposite twist, always hit the straight racket surface and instruct the start.
It is a lob that is closely connected to overhead, because it is a normal defense to any hard smash.
Lob is a high toss of the ball landing between the service line and the baseline. A good lob should be within 6 feet of the baseline.
Lob is inherently defensive. The idea of lobbing is (1) giving time to recover the position when pulling out from the court with the opponent's shot, (2) kicking out the netman This is usually an lob's volley from a near net rally , Slightly different stroke.
Chop lob, there is a heavy (1) hang undercut spin in the air. This is the best defensive lob, as it gets higher giving more time to recover the position. (2) Stroke lob or flat lob hit with a slight top spin. As it does not give time to this, this is lob for point victory, as a player running around it, as it is lower than chop, it is faster. To make this Rob, your swing like a drive Start, but as the racquet slows up the face faces upward just like you fill the ball This shot is a float ball together with more than 10 feet of air.
Robs of chops decided under cuts must rise from 20 to 30 feet or more, high and go deeper. It is advisable to run lob and back partner, therefore we get tired of him, more than giving him a confidence by killing short with a short Rob. Rob's value is one of the upsetting opponents It is one, if you unexpectedly have one off at an important time of the game, its effect is very
Psychology of tennis singles and doubles.
Single, the greatest distortion of tennis is a game for two players. It is at this stage of the game that personal equalization reaches the top of importance. This is a spiritual and physical individual effort game.
Hard 5 sets single smash is the maximum burden of the nervous system of any form of body and sports. Single is a bold, dash, foot and stroke speed game. It is a much more opportunity game than doubles. Not being able to rely on partners is the possibility of errors to risks being speedy. Many of those I wrote under Match Play are more for single than Doubles, yet I am aware of the specificity of a single from the audience's point of view
The gallery enjoys the character far more than the style. The single is much sharper than the doubles and brings two to a close and positive relationship that indicates the specificity of each player. The audience is in the position of a man looking at insects under a microscope. He can analyze the internal mechanism.
Freedom of restraint felt in a single court contrasts with the need for teamwork in doubles. If there is a hand to go, a reasonable opportunity is held. Hits are harder than any single doubles, when you can score.
Singles is an imaginative game, doubling the exact angle science.
Doubles is a tennis with four people. The definition of this primary reader is enough.
It is just as important to play with your partner of tennis like a bridge. Every time you have a stroke you need to do a clear plan to avoid your partner trouble. The keynote lecture on the success of the doubles is team work. There is a specific type of teamwork that completely depends on individual glow. If both players are in the same class, the team is always as strong as the weakest player at any time. In case of, one team of powerful players and weak players will keep that protection and weaken, so that you can do powerful players. This pair needs to develop teamwork to the individual glow of a stronger man.
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