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Were you there?

He did it all for you! You can now live a victory life with him forever here. He summarized it in his last words for it once and for all: "It is over." You can now live in physical, emotional, spiritual health and prosperity I can do it!

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crucifixion, cross, redeemed, bought, sins, sickness, stripes, blood, body, grace, healing, health, eternal, life, restoration, restored

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You were there, when they crossed my Lord? It is a title of well loved old hymn. Please imagine standing on that hill. 2000 years ago witnessed Jesus nailing on the cross. Here he is already near death after the heavy crown of thorns that had already sunk deep into his skull. His back was covered with deeply stripped stripes caused by ruthless whipping, and his power was completely weakened under the weight of the cross.

Jesus was crucified with three nails, one in the middle of each hand and one on the cross with its two feet. They needed to keep this guy from running away! why? Because he claimed to be a child of God. Just a week ago the crowd swaying and screaming around him as he rode Jerusalem in Jerusalem: Hosanna: blessing comes to the name of the Lord Israel "They are Jesus' I have witnessed or received thousands of miracles done among them, a waste, they do not understand the hundreds of predictions as to why the Messiah had to pass However, they knew that he was a man of God, and (John 12)

Now on the cross here: "He is despised, rejected from men, a man of sorrow, and acquainted with sorrow, and we hidden as it was our face from him (Isa. 53: 3 ) This is not a beautiful picture.This is a depiction of a man placed in all the sins and all the diseases committed so far! "Himself took our weakness and our disease "Naked" (Matt. 8: 17) and: "Indeed he bears our sorrow and is carrying out our sorrows; but for the sins of our rebellion Injured, he was crushed for our iniquities. ; And with his stripes we will be healed. (Isa. 53: 4-5) Yes, this prophetic poetry announced his crucifixion hundreds of years ago. Finally find out by printing "The present form of healing, it is like getting up!

Then they fulfilled the Bible and stabbed him with a sword to confirm that he was dead: "They have to see him who they stab." (John 19) He Many other scriptures, including the power of forgiveness, were realized on that day, saying, "Fathers do not know what they should do" (Luke 23: 34) At the moment of his death the heavy curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom giving direct access to a symbolic God. No more we need not go through the intermediary! (Matt. 27: 51-53).

Standing there in your heart's eyes, surveying the cross, looking at his scars, unrecognized face and body, thank him for your healing, you have it Now you He can be seen straight on his glory face, followed by his descent to hell, he was raised by the Holy Spirit and now reigned high! He is "a spiritual nation that grew up spoiled and power (Devil), he triumphantly overturned them on it, publicly made those shows ", he did it for you all, and you will now live a life of victory with him forever here can do. He summarized it in his last words for it once and for all: "That is the end" (John 19: 30)


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