It creates benefits in many aspects of national home horticulture clubs and faces members.
It is said that this is the largest family horticultural organization with paid members. Due to a small fee, various benefits are available.
If you choose to become a national home gardening club member, you can receive the following benefits.
1. Admission is competitive gardening free gardening supplies such as gardening items, tools and gardening supplies.
2. Coupons will be given to members claiming free gardening scissors.
3. It is a gardening - magazine for members who also access and subscribe by free trial.
4. They are qualified to test and maintain gardening tools such as pruning shears. These are some of the products that have been tested by the members on the past two issues of Gardening how-to magazine:
- Honda Harmony's lawn mower
- Miracle Gro's garden weed protection precaution
- Sunflower garden
- Cobra head precision weeding machine and cultivator
-Preen'n Green
5. Members can enjoy a free directory of public gardens, which includes information on green gardens, botanical gardens, and greenhouses throughout the United States.
6. Hints, tips, ideas and techniques for interacting with them other members.
7. Members get various gardening projects for horticulture, greening tips and planning.
8. Or it is a site of a garden limited to members.
9. Members also have preview gardening books and gardening videos.
Certainly, the benefits of the members are grand. They are all for gardening enthusiasts to grab.
It is 1 US dollar / month for members only who can try 30 days later.
Many gardens - all these benefits are available for paying the small price of liking.
The most valuable advice of gardening
It is an environment that many people actually harm in this garden. Large amounts of carbon dioxide can be released by plowing the soil. This contributes to global warming. When cultivating the soil and compressing it, good fungi are destroyed. Fertilizers like nitrogen and fertilizers often leach from the soil and contaminate the drinking water.
Global warming
Did you know that the earth's soil releases ten times more atmospheric carbon dioxide than all human activities? This comes when you breathe, digest, eat food and then die from pills, microbes, fungi and worms. In factories so far we were able to absorb carbon dioxide by small-scale cultivation, but today it is not so.
The rise in the average temperature of the earth is due to the carbon dioxide released when the soil is cultivated. However, mulching and sheet composting can be suppressed to tillage.
Good fungi
In Untilled earth, there are advantageous fungi known as vesicular-arbuscular myconrhizae or VAM for short. VAM actually forms symbiotic relationship with plants. Their filaments increase the root hair and nourish the plants. They give zinc, copper, potassium, phosphorus. Plants provide fungal carbohydrates in return. It is possible to raise the garden without cultivating the sooiil at all by making a large mulching until the soil becomes soft and easy to break.
Excess Nitrogen
Many gardeners will waste nitrogen and fertilizer. The farmer needs only a third of nitrogen to mix with inches of compound, horse, or cattle fertilizer third only. Kate Burroughs Sebastopol California using the same rules autogamous lettuce or sweet corns. When it comes to broccoli or pear tree, farmers only need a small amount. Please note that gardeners apply a larger amount of fertilizer than compost and farmers. Obviously, they are not wasting their money as well as fertilizer.
People who are able to give advice on the most gardening are asked to point out that they are all things. A living thing is not healthy. This is the most precious advice I can have with gardening.
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