Individuals with autism may develop There are many symptoms. In recent decades, this issue has been more thoroughly discussed and studied, but still most of the mystery. Because of the theory of mental problems, social interaction is even more intense for autistic individuals.
The theory of the mind causes difficulties in these social behaviors in almost all aspects from a child-like play group to an adult-like society world. The idea behind the mind's theory is that autistic people who autistic people can not recognize that other people in the world have different ways of seeing things Perhaps not self-centered, he or she is probably essentially everyone thinking, feels, and he or she thinks This is not necessarily a bad thing, but apparently unnatural is. Even though even though it is considered as an option of co-sleeping, it is regarded as the truth that such people all know.
Because autistic individuals can not lie, they are not even noticed by others. In fact, it is a rude awakening for autistic people to find other lies or generally bad things. This is particularly anxious when you first experience in the business world and many autistic people do not know how to deal with this. Because they believe that everyone is watching the world, it is difficult to put themselves in other people 's shoes. Of course, this can be taught, but unfortunately it is a difficult process to have autistic people always remember.
Even a child is having the secret that other children need to enjoy the theory of trouble mind - the game that is difficult to do. They also have to remember to share and release the invasion in ways that are not frequently harmful. Children with autism may also result from being unable to understand why some of autistic person's frustration is not responding in another "right" way situation , I have a hard time understanding why people do not know certain facts.
The theory of the mind needs to be studied yet in order to better understand and treat this symptom of autism. Currently, the best teaching method is continuous social interaction with role-playing and other games that autistic children need to see things from many angles. Until modern medicine finds a better answer to the theory of mental problems, the best thing is to be patient with autism and explain your thinking process to them
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