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Why do I need to take risks?

If you want to get ahead of life you must take risks. What is best comes with willingness to take chances at all times, in some way, this is the same in every aspect of life.

Small tits. :
Psychology, humanity, education, society, news and society, arts and entertainment philosophy

Article body:
It does not matter if you are a doctor, a lawyer, or an army soldier in the army. If you want to be the best you need to take risk

Doctors may have to take risks when working with patients. The doctor may have to experiment with different forms of medication or new surgical procedures if everything fails attempts to help the patient.

Lawyers need to assert the case in an unorthodox way to win the case, but lawyers become a top lawyer and risk professional case

Soldiers have to move to complete their mission through gunfire to take the danger and rescue another bruised soldier or just sleep

These risks are not different from anyone looking wealthy at the casino, they need to get their million dollar payoff, risky all if you do it safe at the casino it risks you fortune Poker, Bra "> Craps if you want to make millions that can win the big jackpot of the slot machine </a>. These games are a retirement win that allows you to do some lucky charms and many risks.

The same can be said about general life. Everyone will not get it earlier in life from playing it safe. Do not take risks in your work if you are too afraid to endanger someone get rejected Do not see your special someone

It is very important to keep risks in your life. These side effects cause all stated risks to be born * upgrade to version. Standing still in life is still one of the main causes of depression. These are usually people faced with their boss, they are afraid to say to him that they demand a raise. The whole purpose of fear is to stop you from taking risks.

Fear is not unknown. I always wanted to quit your job and open a shop, but if you were too afraid to do that, it would fail and endanger what you already have

It is important to learn to take risks in your life if you want to be happy, you can always get things you risk

If no one just takes risks we remember we will not fly and probably will be a world without car at all, probably we have no electricity so we really need to improve the world Risk to be done.

Why improve story editing, quality biped walking humanoid

The importance of having your story of fiction edited. How to connect with a leader who gains high trust with a good editor.

Small tits. :
Book selling, marketing books, self-publishing, internet radio programs.

Article body:
Copyright 2006 Black butterfly press

I have read the story. , I'm reading a novel or a short short, that over and over, so I love much. After each new reading is another message that I am aware of. Do you know that many of these stories are in common? A good story editor. Yes Since these novels have been edited for the story and the value of development, the work is very impressive.

Well, as a fiction writer, this is not what your book wants to do after closing the page - long resonate with the reader? Your readers underline the way, with dog ears, do not you like to read your book until coffee is dirty? As a novelist, I know that.

So what is this magical ingredient that happens when your novel is handled by a skilled story editor? Bonding Yes, its simple word, glued.

Let's use comparison with the actual scenario. The baby is kept supplied clean and can be provided with full attention, but where bonding is not done between the mother (or caretaker) and the child This syndrome adheres to the first baby It was discovered in an orphanage where I remembered away because of the shortage. This syndrome was called "maternal poverty". "

This process of adhesion is similar to what needs to happen between writer and reader. If an emotional bond does not occur between the reader and the story, in a reading the writer will lose the reader. In a sense, the reader disappears or weakens like a baby in the case of mother's poverty. For example, I heard many book clubs say, "The story was flat," or "I could not connect or settle for the property." In many cases, this problem is There is a possibility that it has been improved with a good story editor.

These are just some of the advantages of working with a good story editor.

A good story editor will help you: - Become a better writer. It is a hall story. - Show vs pair of your story. - Partnering the twist of the plot and answering questions of the story - Develop realistic characters and capture human behavior to all of that subtlety. - Invoke your readers' emotions - Write more attractive dialogue. - To touch people like fictional letters and sounds. - Explore your heart and draw out your chest - Discover the journey to the truth and what your theme is.

So why not to use your professional story editor's skills to help your reader's unity with your story?

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