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Why is the way to go to coaching team management.

When listening to the word "coach", what first comes into your heart? Are you shooting a picture of a basketball team with a man / woman? Or is a football team where male / female pacing and calling the name of the athlete?

Coaching is no longer reserved for the sports team. Why is popular coaching?

Coaching level stadium.

Daniel-Goleman by coaching mind leadership style proposal. In addition, it is a role or action that the leader performs in the context of the leadership of the situation. As a leadership style, coaching is used when groups or team members are competent and motivated, but they do not know the organization's long-term goal This includes two levels of coaches: team and individual. The team coach makes the members cooperate. In a group of individuals, everyone may have the same level of ability and commitment to goals. The group is a mix of excellence and gradual personnel is a diverse level of commitment. These differences are due to friction. We expect coaching leaders to be a member level. Coach leaders also manage the prospects of differences so that common goals succeed in personal purposes and interests. In large organizations, leaders need to adapt the staff's personal values ​​and goals to that of the organization so that long-term direction can be pursued.

The coach builds up confidence and ability.

Individual coaches are examples of situation leadership to work. It aims to be a one-on-one mentor who builds confidence in members by affirming good performance during periodic feedback. By the ability and dedication of the individual level, leaders took advantage of the cooperation team's experience for taking guidance action normally, this happens in the case of new staff. The direct supervisor gives more defined work, holds regular feedback for the new staff, and gradually as an increase in ability and confidence

Instance generation urging coaching is excellent.

Excellence is a product of habitual good habits. The regularity of meetings and constructive feedback is important in establishing habits. The members themselves must know what knowledge, skills, and attitudes they have to achieve to achieve the goals of the team In their process for perceptual improvement, they also achieved excellence, respectively . An example is for an orchestra: each member plays a different musical instrument. In order to achieve harmony of music from different instruments members will polish their pieces in the work except to practice as an ensemble. As a result, they will improve individually as an instrument player.

The coach develops high responsibility for a common purpose.

The coaching leader will balance the achievement of long-term goals and immediate goals for the organization's vision. As mentioned earlier, personal interest is checked by adjusting personal goals and organizational and team goals. I am willing to motivate the main spirit of formal and informal dialogue, always visiting the vision. Setting short-term team goals according to the organization's goals and establishing action plans to achieve these goals is a motivation for common goals of the members

It is a precious leader of coaching.

We support important examples of leadership. The coach's leader loses credibility when he / she can not practice what he / she preaches. This means that the coaching leader should be well organized, is a very capable her / her field, openly communicating, encouraging feedback and learning alternatives and purposive learning, membership same A good practice, leader of teaching as a leader in the guidance of attitude. If a member experiences a good coach, he / she is likely to do the same thing when it is entrusted with formal leadership role.

Though there are cautionary words though: the coach is just one of the leadership styles. The style of each mind's leadership of this combination is an emerging team. You also need to coach as a style of leadership Physically, emotionally and mentally most of the time, so the two levels of coaching your members will give up, or in every situation during the crisis, in particular during the times of crisis I expect it to be the last one to be relieved. Coaching leaders must be aware If there is coaching involved, investment time is the team of each individual. Furthermore, while coaching members, responsibilities are greater because we are developing a coach of the future as well.

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