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Ya get 'money right: the truth about publication

Playa Is your company? Now it is necessary to get a big picture. There is no business like show business. But there is a problem here, keep on the show, but do not deal with business. If you are like a lot of young artists in the game, you probably will not have a strong understanding of many regulations and regulations of the music industry. You may have read articles here or there, picked up books or two about the music business, but the opportunity is that unle. .

Small tits. :
Music, Publishing, Hip Hop, Production

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Playa Is your company? Now it is necessary to get a big picture. There is no business like show business. But there is a problem here, keep on the show, but do not deal with business. If you are like a lot of young artists in the game, you probably will not have a strong understanding of many regulations and regulations of the music industry. You may have read articles here or there, picked up books or two about the music business, but unless you are a lawyer, probably relaxing it and I got you. Watch what kind of music business is not Guardian Angel, please be careful. It is a reality thing. It consists of experienced business people. Let's face it, music business is a well oiled machine designed to do one thing, it is to earn money. By forming a career we will aim for success and success that will benefit from waiting for every corner. Regardless of how big it is, you can not eliminate intermediaries altogether. Ruin your face if you want, but if you think you can cross the mediator, you need to close your eyes and return to La-La-Land Like Russell Simmons and P-Diddy Even if you become a big hip-hop giant, you still have answers to others, and usually you earn more money. Alright, here is where I stop myself I am known for disappearing with a tangent about many of the music business So let's talk about a further delay and salary of ...

You get your money on the right

Now, we know that other people are going to make money off your talent, that during the week that you start to wet your beak, I also know about the music business Questions to get one million and one email. The most frequently asked question is "What is publication, what does it have to do with me?" Publishing is a very difficult topic; yes I like it as humanly as possible . Sit down in the class and pay attention.

Publication is money obtained from the song you wrote. Separate from this metal.

Source # 1: Mechanical Royalty - This is the amount the record company pays to the publisher of the song that was mechanically recorded (pressed up) on record or CD.

Source # 2: Public performance income - known as running better rights, this uses your music on different media like other people v. Movies etc.

Play the brakes Playa! Everything in your money has no right, only a small part of it. Let me explain All the money publication from gold is easy and known and royalty. Publication royalties are broken down into two separate stocks, shared by publishers, and shared by writers. The publisher side represents 50% of pie, the author's share represents 50% of pie, together they represent 100% of music publishing income.

The publisher is a party that collects the shares of both and then pays the writer's share to the writer or writer of the song. The publisher owns or controls the copyright of the song. This means that they have the right to do it as they like. You can also re-record by giving permission to other singers. At some point, as a songwriter, regardless of whether you decide whether to self-publish or not deal with a level publisher The main advantage to self-publishing is your only copyright Although it is a controller, publishers do not have the time, energy and resources to do "

What publishers can do for songwriters for you

 Because your butt is covered all over the world, copyright your songs.

• Make sure your song is used in any imaginable medium, such as: radio, video game, downloadable ringtone, movies, etc.

• Manufacture of music books and score of your songs * Hook up deals on distribution information.

* Register your songs at collection institutions like BMI, ASCAP, SEASAC, and Harry Fox Institution.

• Protect you from copyright infringement trying to steal your material through sampling, file sharing, and smuggling.

* Develop and promote you as a writer.

• Deal on negotiations approval for you

Your best bet is to set up a co-publishing agreement with a big publisher; this will ensure that things are done correctly, publish the contract to enter too many kinds of details of the process I need to agree to a contract that I can always live with you. In the long run, your money grows and in the short term you think that the next song you write may be for food stamps.

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