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Yahoo! Internet-marketing tool with Yahoo! Sitemap

A website is a compilation of web pages that can be accessed through a software package, commonly known as a web browser (these pages are essentially in HTML or XHTML format (HTML stands for hypertext markup language) A document, "common root URL" or website homepage From this home page, visitors / Internet users can browse or view the entire website using hyperlinks or Urls of different web pages

Web sites displayed on computers that can connect to the Internet and other devices (such as Pda and mobile phones), depending on their usage and the services they offer, are the following:

* Archive site - preserve and protect electronic content worthy of the point of extinction.

* Business site - promote business and service.

· We will sell products to quotient or ecommerce site.

· You can use the community site related to the same interested communication, chat or message board by any other).

· Database site search, display, contents of specific database.

* Development site - Provides data and sources related to software development and web design.

* Directory site - usually contains a wide range of content that is divided into categories and subcategories.

· Download site - Demo and software of the game, such as electronic content downloaded by the user.

* Game site - We provide "playground" where people meet and play.

* Information site - contains data or content with the sole purpose of notifying the visitor (not for commercial purposes).

* Distribute or distribute news and commentaries on news site - (similar to information site).

* Pornographic site - Display pornographic videos and images.

· It is a web portal site which can also provide information on the site of the search engine and also "Gateway" and resources.

* Shock site - Display images and other materials intended to make viewers angry.

* Vanity Site - A personal site that is managed or managed by an individual or small group, the site owner wishes to include it

· Register on blog sites and blogs Online reading and post online diaries and discussions - Forum.

* Wiki site - Enables users to collaborate on content.

Yahoo! is probably the most famous example of a very large website. It is a mixture of different types of the most popular, widely used websites, Yahoo! sites - it is a directory site and a search engine site, among other things.

Because of the huge (and diverse) amount of information it contains, Yahoo! Site Map Yahoo! Website.

The Sitemap is a web page that lists the entire page of the web site. A hierarchically organized sitemap can be in text or visual form (picture or image).

Yahoo! Site map is Yahoo! Website. As with the table of contents of the book, Yahoo! Site Map gives a summary and visual overview of Yahoo!, it makes it easy for visitors and users to browse Yahoo! many pages, web sites, site maps There are active links in each location so that users can go directly to a specific place.

Yahoo! Sitemap also allows web developers to link from their entire site, making it easier for search engine robots (or

Because Yahoo! Sitemap improves the search engine optimization of the site, this function, its purpose is to stimulate and direct traffic to your website

However, Yahoo! Site Map can give 'basic'. Effective web marketing strategies to promote your website as it is important for the web marketers to the 'top ranks' of the main search engines Below are some search engine strategies to consider is:

1. Write an explanatory page title at the top of your web page and avoid the word "filler" like "the" or "and".

2. Incorporation keyword description On the homepage is the business customer's name. This is called "keyword excellence".

3. Include a description meta tag at the top of the web page. This is a sentence (1 or 2 lines, up to about 255 characters) that explains the contents of the web page.

We are preparing for users by adopting many of these technologies. The important thing is to focus on keywords - and you can see Yahoo! Sitemap.

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