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Yoga Sutra of Patanjali

Patanjali's Yoga Sutra is a text covering many aspects of life, beginning with the Code of Conduct, ending with the goal of yoga, the vision of your true self. Sutras of Pantajali 'syoga is probably the most prestigious text of yoga. It defines yoga as a concentration of attention to what purpose is contemplated for all other exclusions. Yoga is not only about posture, or meditation, it is a way of life, or religion. I will go to yoga through waking up and enlightening this influence. These Astangga and Yoga arms and legs are: Yamas, Nyaymas, Asana, Pranayama, Praca Hala, Darana, Diyana, Samadhi.

Yamas consists of lessons of moral and social behavior in our environment. It teaches us to lie, steal, suppress greed. Non-violence and care for all living things is the key. He has moderation with other people towards the sensitivity, and has a reverence for reverence.

Niyama is focused on attitudes towards himself: compromise, cleanliness, tranquility, dedication, and asceticism. I should research and esteem Kochi. We accept our limits in relation to God. It's the key to removing impurities from the mind and body.

In Asana, we focus on attitude practice by placing bodies while taking in breath to achieve greater consciousness in the mind. While watching the reaction of the body and breathing to various attitudes, I relax carefully without being nervous. This minimizes the influence of external influences on the body such as meals and climate.

Pranayama, or breathing restraint and control, helps balance the concentration, vitality, and mind and body.

Pratyahara is a relaxation of feeling that distraction does not actually activate the mind.

Dharana, or concentration, is the ability to direct the mind towards the selected object and concentrate solely on it.

Dhyana, Meditation is a function to develop focused interactions of what we strive to understand.

Finally, but most importantly, Samadhi is the ultimate state of self-realization, or association with the source.

Parkinson's disease

First 'shiver paralysis' as an illness bearing his name now, medicine has elucidated the cause and cause of most Parkinson cases, devised a cure, nevertheless, dramatic progress Is taking place in the treatment of the disease, this is known to afflict approximately half a million old Americans, or one person This figure is not sufficiently urge to urge them to pursue diagnosis Early diagnosis is important, although it does not contain a lot of obviousness with signs of illness.

Some cases of what the doctor calls parkinsonism based on the signs and performance of patients with certain neurological, neuropsychological tests with the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease excluding other possible causes of those signs , Caused by potent drugs used in the treatment of schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders

Tips on exercise therapy and adaptive living measures through medicine, modern treatments, because the patient is the elderly most of its victims but the late stage of illness is fatal because of the rest of their lives You can leave patients who are vulnerable to pneumonia, blood clotting and bodywide infection, which can be in some cases.

Yoga has emerged as a beneficial alternative therapy and an ideal locomotor form for Parkinson's patients due to its slow movement so it will be useful for Parkinson's patients effectively by following the procedure in the management of Parkinson's disease :

As this form of yoga walks on the concentrate of controlling your breathing (Pranayama) as it will help during a feet like panic that sticks to the floor.

With this form of yoga, the mind is always vigilant.

Some yoga practice strengthening attitude, like back, many shoulder movements, breathing method and some meditation definitely help.

One of the most useful forms of yoga used for Parkinson is Ashtanga Yoga. It works to strengthen the body and not increase blood circulation.

Everyday practice of yoga is necessary because Parkinson itself does not necessarily weaken the muscles. Muscle weakness is generally caused by lack of exercise. We must encourage daily exercise to be almost uniformly distributed exhausted.

Parkinson also results in a loss of facial muscle movement. Movement of pranayama and other yoga helps relax those muscles and bring a smile to the patient's face.

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