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10 Tips for a Successful Entrepreneur Pitch

TJ Pedestrians give tips for having a successful entrepreneur pitch.

It's tough. :
Speaking, voice, presentation media training, pitch, power point

Article body:
One of the most difficult presentations is the pitch of entrepreneurs. I have a great idea for a business and I want someone to give it money to make it happen. The problem is not as long as venture capitalists and angel investors are also rich uncles as far as predisposed. why? Because 99% of the pitch sounds like a solid prescription for losing money!

In the case of pitching investors just a new venture for money, the contract has the following rules:

1. Explain exactly how your business is within the first thirty seconds. Many entrepreneurs waste valuable time giving loads of data, background and other information—investors "think what this business really does"

2. Tell your audience that your customer is. Paint vivid, specific images of these people.

3. It is possible that the reason can be seen only by the explanation customer.

4. Explain who your competitors are. (And, if you say you don't have competitors, it's a certain sign that you are simple and deserves an investment fund!)

5. Explain why you are one to achieve this.

6. I will increase my confidence in my presentation. They want to see that you can convince your dream world-not just them.

7. Description Star is late. Did Best Buy or Radio Shack agree to distribute your new product? A well-established player who feels comfortable to investors.

8. Ask for a specific amount. If all you ask for money, you can not complain if the investor gives $ 3.25 for a cup of Starbucks coffee.

9. Telling exactly where you are going to spend money (Hint: Travel to Maui for you and your friends is not impressed)

10. The dress acts well with confidence and you don't really need their money, but at the table that they are strategic partners for you Sad enough, but the truth about human nature But if you feel that you don't really need it, people are likely to give you money.

Finally, each presentation and focus group is shown below. One group of investors will write down all of these questions as you request a series of questions after the pitch, the next group will be a pitch with no statement or guarantee regarding pitching There are cases where funds are not enough.

10 sure steps to take fear from speech

This article reveals 10 simple steps to minimize fear
Speak in public. Find a way to make it much easier
Make it a lot better.

It's tough. :
In general, fear, announcement

Article body:
If you are asked to "fear to feel" now some public

Public speaking is still one of our greatest concerns and that
It turns mature men and women into nervous shipwrecks. mere
Given that, our cause, turn our tongue into absorbent cotton
Internal piping to act up and turn our knees into jelly.

Well, this is not necessary because the help is
Hands What you need to remember is your P and Q. let's
Start from P


What you are trying to say when you sit to write, bear
Who cares you may talk. What do they understand
You are talking; will they understand the technology
Things and terminology? Remember the old proverb if you have questions-
Keep it "silly simple".

It is in the middle to say
The End Think about some anecdotes that will help reinforce your story.
Give people a picture of the language in which they paint and visually
Audience And always remember, people want to know what's in
I believe that I have to do it for that! ●

It's tough. -

If possible, look at the venue before the event. that is
Not always possible, but even if you get half there
Before time, you can check, but you should be talking.

Please stand and imagine at the time you offer from
You can see where the audience is.
Listen, you can also place a glass of water anywhere
You can find it.

Personal preparation-

You think about something before a public speaking event
I'm going to wear; when in doubt dress up, not down. You
So always things are more casual. I got a man
Remove the jacket and tie Items that it is possible to remove women
Of jewelry.

Some customers should be personally prepared
And breathing exercises. Practice saying some tongue
A better hand giving a good solution to your talking muscles. Apply
Take a deep breath and unfold your diaphragm. Then exhale,
Count at the same time, try, and do not wake up to fifty
Be careful

Write yourself as part of your personal preparation
In the beginning write down exactly what you want to say
Ask people about big fonts, double spaces and people about you
Introduce you to read it. They believe me not object
You will probably be delighted and impressed.

Training and attitude-

Front quickly and intentionally. Pull yourself up to you
The full height stands high and seems to own the place.
Speak, pause, full audience before you start
Laugh You also have to wait until your applause dies
Remember, you look like you want the audience to like you
Have a good feeling

pretend -

I do not pretend tension I'm nervous
No doubt you will be. Tension is serious for speaking
High adrenaline in the heart
Sharper, give energy.

The trick is to keep your nerves on your own. No account
Tell your audience your tension.
It is good to cherish the idea that life daylights

Some tricks to deal with nerves are:

Many oxygen
The system is run on the fly and as about shaking your arm
It's a madman It burns off the pressure chemicals.

Speak to members of your audience as they come in some
It's time before you stand up, fooling around your brain
Think that you are talking to some friends.

Has a glass of water convenient for its dry mouth. One word
Warning-Do not drink alcohol. In Dutch
I will courage

Tsutsutsu Tsuitsu. -

Your delivery from the right start needs to grab them
Be careful

Don't start saying-"Good morning, my name is Fred * Smith
Even if your name is Smith, it is a real boring way to get started
Review by Presentation ""
Anecdotes or facts related to your presentation.

Look at the audience as an individual, it grabs them
Caution If they think you are personally talking to them.

Speak louder than you normally do, it holds people
Make them awake at the front row awake, get them back
It's a message The funny thing is, it's good for your nerves.


And for those who haven't heard it, that's it
Design beautiful graphics used in software programs
Text to project onto the screen.

As a professional speaker, I'm not hitting it
Removed PowerPoint Review
Take over the presentation. After all
An important factor here. If the audience is to accept
What you say, they need to refer to your eyes white.
Not technology, you need to have a great focus.

Use PowerPoint if you want to keep it to a minimum and make it
Certainly, you are not the person who just presses the button. why
Review by ",
Many of the experts.


This is what stops the audience of the truck. this is
What do you want to do with employment or acceptance?
Suggestions Some energy, enthusiasm and this couple
Emotions and you have the prestige of a great public speaker.

Give your presentation a bit of vitality and don't start
Tell me-"I'm not like people." There is no need
Go on, move you are doing a presentation
A cozy little chat with people's actions
Front room.

Since P is finished, let's look at Q.


Decide when you're going to tell people by taking them
For short speeches, it is best to ask a question last. if
Timing is knocked out

Never-never-never ends with a question.
Please ask questions before the end. It's tough.
Summarize for the next strong end with questions.
Too many presentes
Things will be a little flat.

When you are asking a question, repeat it all over
I thank the audience and the questioner. It keeps everyone
It gives you time to think, it shows you
Very smart and in control.

Stop -
Exit when you are ahead. Stick to the agreed time; if you are
Asking to speak for two minutes and speaking for nineteen
The audience loves for it. Remember, it's not quality.

One of the most famous speeches ever-"Gettysburg
Address ", by President Lincoln, was only two minutes

Yeah, that's my queue that ends when I'm ahead.
Now you can be armed with this information
Minimize your fear of public speaking.

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