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2 step sale

Marketing is simple a1,2 ...

It's tough. :
Business, marketing, direct mail, direct mail, postcard, joy gendusa

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<b> Do it correctly. </ b>

I always receive a postcard. The other day I received a postcard trying to sell a copy machine to me. It was small, small lettering slathered all over the front and most of the back of the card.

It was really difficult to read, so I actually threw it away.

A few days later I will have complete info on unrestricted long distance telephone service for 5.5 cents with no additional monthly charge by calling 800 numbers on the card

I've called, I got the information I answered my question, my long distance service had ordered a change.
The company that provided me with long distance service used a tested two-step sales process:

<i> Step 1. </ i> Generate Leads-I get to call their 800 number.

<i> Step 2. </ i> Provide the requested information-Answering my questions, I was able to convince them that I could save quite a bit of money on my long distance bill

<b> What's so good about the two steps? </ b>

It is much easier to create an interest (lead) than it is to get people through the entire purchasing process (sales).

Not getting your prospects or existing customer money just yet in pieces.

Promote to your target prospects and customers cheaply, and then forked (inquired about your products and services) forked and turned into sales

The people who are interested in making a list of what you can do in this two-step process anywhere are enough to provide what you agree with.

You can preferably re-contact those who you did not complete the sale when you first asked, until they bought from you.

<b> Important: </ b> Be sure to get the information you need to recontact the people who answered your postcard offer.

Repeated follow-ups <b> with people who contact you lead to increased sales. So, in accordance with the company's policy is to communicate with people and products and services.

<b> The most effective use of postcards: </ b>

The purpose of your postcard message is to get in touch with you to ask about your offer to get him / her of your perspective heart interest

The profit that is generated is the money that you collect. It is about 2 step marketing process. The occurrence of contacting customers and prospects of interest for more information.

Your message:

1. A clear statement of the biggest advantage of your product or service (in the long-haul example, it was a cost savings).

2. They have enough reason to contact you now.

3. A simple and easy way for them to respond (eg 800 numbers).

Your message Short message postcards are longer.

<i> For example:

Call 800-555-1212 for your copy of our free report: </ i>

<b> 99% of what business owners don't know and don't find out about using postcards to detonate their profits </ b>

<i> Offer 5-5-01 (print 3 weeks from the date of mailing to increase urgency) </ i>

Many people answer to find out what they may not know. Remember, they answered, at least some of the information you have created curiosity.

This method works reliably, producing multiple queries if sent to your appropriate market.

<b> This is a two step marketing process. </ b>

Take a look at what's happening next postcard message, read the tips on using it here.

Generate a bunch of leads from people who are truly interested in your products and services.

2 Little Words Works Selling Magic

We will introduce a few words about these usages, strengthen our relationship with customers, and promote business that is increasing repeatedly.

It's tough. :
Small business marketing, referrals, repeat business, sales, direct mail, thank you email

Article body:
In his classic bestseller, <I> How to Win Friends and Influence People, </ I> Dale Carnegie's Second Chapter is entitled the Great Secret to Dealing with People Secrets Is summarized on this principle: give honest and sincere gratitude.

Carnegie stated that everyone has the only way to get something-by who wants to do it. How can you encourage customers to say good things about you and give them referrals? What they and all humans crave by giving them: honest and sincere thanks.

<B> Two Magical Words </ B>

The great secret of dealing with people (or customers) is often overlooked or forgotten. It is consistently saying "thank you" consistently, personally, and above all, in good faith. I feel that customers have the work sales magic so far.

To say "thank you" is an act of kindness. But don't say "thank you" for compliments. It must be sincere As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "I can never say anything that is never."

<B> Promoting "Thank You" referrals </ B>

The uncertainty of the referral can be embarrassing. Can you control them? No. What are the consequences? Absolute! .

First, we need to provide valuable products and services for our customers. (Are you already doing this, right?) But maybe you can make a big difference in mind with your continuing interest after communicating a product or service.

Each customer has another level of satisfaction with your product and service. But thanks to all our customers, "Say" has become satisfactory. I will introduce you not to monitor the relationship with just whether you can make this decision.

<B> as a "thank you" direct mail or email </ B>

Never use direct mail, and consider it, start a thank you program. If you used direct mail or email but did not send a thank-you letter or email, start now.

Thank you letters or emails to your customers (know them, know them) are targeted, personal and valid. It is guaranteed to receive a positive response.

Further it is a nice surprise if it is a snail email. They look at your envelope. Yes, this is my review, a sign, worse or worse. surprise! They are highly valued. And you are the one who says so.

Write a thank-you letter or email on every occasion. However, do not send invoices or other correspondence. Always send individually.

<b> Thank you write a letter or email </ B>

Thoughts behind a thank-you note or email may seem simple, writing one can be clumsy. Here are nine tips for writing a letter or email thank you for winning:

1. <I> Keep it short. </ I> A half dozen lines (or less) is enough.

2. <I> Make it sincere. </ I> This is very important. If you are not careful, it can sound tricky even when you are trying to be sincere.

3. <I> "Thank you." </ I> Dear Johnson (or, if appropriate, the first name): Thank you very much. ..

4. Warm the tone, but professional. </ I> You are friendly but keep it like a business.

5. <I> strengthen the positive. Jogging their memories of the positive side of the relationship.

6. <I> Thank you for your continued support. </ I> If I can help, please call. ..

7. Thank you again for <I> "Thank you" </ I>. ..

8. <I> Use the appropriate closing. </ I> Sincerely, thank you.

9. <I> There is no impetus motive. </ I> It is pure "thank you" otherwise integrity is at risk.

The customer relations in Edelman's credibility survey, which is part of "Thank you", please be clear: business introductions that are consistent and only repeat with these two magical words.

(c) Neil-Sazebiel in 2005

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