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2006 Security Watch-Are you going to have a store for us this year?

Many things are happening in the information security space. 2006 It will be an interesting year in these respects. I do not know because I did not see it in 2006 for a look as follows, but unfortunately you.

First good news:

-I'm getting more serious about security. There are many reasons for this. For example, a new privacy law tightens institutions mandated. Awaiting details are passed by the consumer privacy law, and this year is the tightening security system.

-Certification requirements are increasing. This is a large security hole closed. Companies need a lot of certification to get into a secure system (which is also a bad news aspect)

-There are lots of sophisticated programs to make us more secure and they keep getting better. Now the competition is strong in the security industry sparking a lot of innovation.

-ISPs are now taking responsibility in helping us with our security. Take a recent AOL commercial as a good sign to follow other trends.

Now the bad news:

-Securing our network is costing. The cost of securing most companies' globalization as their organization is huge. It gets worse before it gets better.

-Certification requirements are increasing. This is claustrophobic. Companies need a lot of certification to get into a secure system (which is also good news) Unfortunately, for end users, the airport

-Hackers are more sophisticated. For example, botnets are getting more complicated and harder to catch and stop. Search on botnets on the Internet. They are really causing a whole lot of problems, but it does not stop there. The number of viruses and malware there is staggering.

-Spammers continue to find more creative ways to fill our email boxes. Don't look at this trend to stop anytime soon.

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