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25 music work most people do not know

I've heard that it is almost impossible to find music jobs. It may be true that some ambitious musicians reach the top of the chart, but there are hundreds of thousands of available music work. Some are for the performers, others are for the teachers, others are for the performers. Musicians and other music industries promote productivity, education - medical. I ...

Small tits. :
Music Job, Music Job UK, Music Industry Job, Classical Music Jobs, Church Music Work

Article body:
I've heard that it is almost impossible to find music jobs. It may be true that some ambitious musicians reach the top of the chart, but there are hundreds of thousands of available music work. Some are for the performers, others are for the teachers, others are for the performers. Musicians and other music industries promote productivity, education - medical. I promised 25 music work most people do not know, but it is technically not true. Many of these are jobs that people know, but they do not consider it when considering "music work". Did you prepare the list? Here we go:

Music work for songwriters:

Staff singer songwriter labels the signature of the work record and author of the media company and written songs.

Writing on a freelance singer-songwriter, it is a song of the market itself. Your time is yourself, but you need to spend a lot of time listening to your songs.

Lyricists write only words in songs. He sometimes teams up with composers, and teams up with music production companies.

Jingle writer writes those catchy ads you hear on television and radio - standing in your head for the day you know, jingle writer may not be the name of a famous household There is no - but he or she will always find a job.

Publishing music jobs:

Music publishers search and retrieve copyrights of songs intended to sell them to licenses and record companies and musicians.

The copyright / authorization administrator ($ 20,000 - $ 60,000) manages authorization and copyright for music publishing companies.

The music editor ($ 20,000 - $ 60,000) works with the composer in close cooperation with the composer, documenting and organizing the queue for the musicians in the project.

Notesetter ($ 15,000 - $ 50,000) transfers music to pages from the audio part.

Record business music job

A & R Coordinator (I will sign a record company with talent who will allow you to participate in artists and repertoires. His boss will manage A & R's administrators, planned budgets for artists, reps and coordinators, It is a location that involves monitoring costs.

Public Relations Music Job Assistant ranges from public relations to public relations director. The PR department is responsible for frequently obtaining the name of the artist of the label of the record company before the public. Tsutsutsutsu tsutsu, Tsutsushitsu "Tsutsuzu Assortment Tsutsu - Tsu -

As representative of the relationship of artists, our company is responsible for communication and collaboration with record companies, artists and bands.

Promotional staff etc work radio stations and video stations are a record of labels for airplay.

Campus representatives are promotional agents - but work directly to promote record label products to university students and music retailers. Working as a campus representative is a great way to get your feet at the door with a record label.

Music work in education

Music teacher teaches music to preschool classes through university, with different duties depending on class age. In elementary school results, music teachers may concentrate on teaching music appreciation and theory with some teachings of instruments and performance theory. In high school duties are more diverse, directing students' performances, and organizing and directing bands and choirs.

Music supervisor or academic supervisor is undergraduate under the supervision of the president and recruitment of music teachers for setting policy.

Provincial music work creates professional choir for the parish and whole city and whole music worshiping Includes part-time job as an organist in full-time job

17 important things to remember as preparation for interview

As an excellent checklist is an important event for your preparation.

Small tits. :
Nurse, nurse, doctor, doctor, job, job, career, career, employment, recruitment

Article body:
A few days - one week before the interview

1. I spend some time studying the position of the organization and hand. To find company-specific information, visit your local library, conduct a search on the internet or find out about current experience or company's products and services, company, target market, annual sales, geography Investigate primary location, structure, history, officials, and any other primary information. Are there new trends in the industry?

2. Identify the main competitors of the organization and do some basic research on how they differ (either positive or negative)

3. Prepare a concrete example of how your skills and experience strongly fit your organization's needs. Questions concerning Practice Supervision are located in relation to experience, education and skills. Being ready to draw colors between your experience and organizational needs is one of the most important interview skills you need.

4. Identify your strengths and weaknesses. Please prepare to speak about your weaknesses. For example, "My greatest weakness is that I am perfectionist, it takes me a little surplus time getting a project to finish my satisfaction, the work passes the most severe consideration or is 100% accurate That thing, and details looked down "

5. Prepare some intelligent questions about the company and position your knowledge of the company and your sincere interest in its duties.

6. Confirm that you are moving away from me - it is called fitting. If necessary, you can also change or arrange for another dress.

The day before the interview

1. Please contact the company to confirm the date and time of the interview. Also, please check the name and title of the individual you are planning to meet.

2. Get directions for the location of the interview. Please reconfirm the direction using the map. This knows how and also gives approximate travel time - do not forget to allow extra hours of rush hour!

3. Adhere the whole arrangement. Check for any spots, wrinkles, or faults.

4. Print off a small number of extra copies of your resume and attach it with great paper. Even if the interviewer has a copy of its own, it is always a good idea to have a backup copy. This is also useful if you finish interviewing a large number of individuals as the head interviewer may be the only person with a copy of your resume

Get a good night's sleep!

1. Your brain needs fuel to run at its best performance and today is 110% if you need it from your brain today. Therefore, please do not spare meals. Knowing that carbohydrates cause sluggishness and lead to "post lunch" naptime, so large amounts of carbohydrates just before your interview

2. You do not feel pressure to dash the door, so you dress early. Remember to pay attention to detail (use any lint threads, splash your hair, brush your teeth, use deodorant etc.) Because you can know the first impression because you can remember the first impression It is the character of.

3. Do not forget to copy the resume, cover letter shows the airport in case of portfolio Show some airports

4. Holidays We will perform a full interview. If you arrive earlier than 15 minutes, we recommend that you wait outside the car or building. Arriving too early will give you the impression that you are in an interview (and nothing to do with your time).

5. Shake hands with a smile while you are meeting for the first time - Shake hands with a smile when the interview is done.

6. Calm down! Once you do your homework you will be well prepared for an interview. Take a deep breath and use your time to gather your thoughts if you need it when asked. Asked not to hesitate to ask for explanation, confused about the specific question you are asked for.

After the interview

Write a quick "thank you" message to the person who interviewed.

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