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3 Secrets of Team Motivation

Discover the secret of "3" in team motivaion.
Alan * Fairweather-"Motoring Doctor"-Author
"How to sell a dynamic team"
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It's tough. :
Management, manager, stimulation

Article body:
Do you want a motivated team not to take off time
Do not check positive as the job continues to look for other jobs
Contributing to your business?

If the answer is "yes", there are three necessary steps
To take with each member of your team.

Step 1-Spend Quality Time

I did not say "quantity time" I said "quality time." One or
Tsutsutsu Tsutsutsu Tsutsutsu Tsutsutsu Tsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsu.
Production every year more than an hour review.

You need to know each member of the team better
They need to know you.

Good relations with each other that I mentioned that
Team members you will gain a better understanding
With them and how they handle the work.

It will also give the impression that you are concerned
Individuals, but support for various problems
Both personal and business.

Spend quality time encourages opinions and ideas
Flowing from them, you can explain the company's
Mission It gives them a feeling of being in things
It is a big motive

It also helps to build any "early alarm system"
Problem Both business and individual.
Finally, it builds the team's spirit and morale.

Step 2-Feedback and Coach

You are on a regular basis to each member of your team
They are doing well when they are not very good.

I suggest that 65% of employees read some recent research
In the United States, I did not receive any recognition at work last year.

In my experience it tells me that it's always the same
Much worse in the world and some countries.

Some admins still believe-"Why I should praise people
I will pay to you. "
If you want a happy and ambitious team, you
Tell me when you are well

It is also important to tell people when they are not
I do it well. One of many managers
Get down to someone who seems to ignore poor behavior
Tons of bricks.

Feedback and coach in a certain way
And they have explained in detail in the book-how to get
Motivate your team

Step 3-Become a believer

We are now in the area of ​​"empowerment" that was
First introduced in the 1980s, became a bit of
Management buzzword. But I believe it is one of them
The most promising is the team at least the concept of understanding
The motivation for today.

I am quite down to the practical sort of person's earth
(Probably coming from my engineering background). I am not big
Benefits for as long as I can not see in motive theory
I-I see a lot of profits for managers and teams
Empowerment leader.

With empowerment,
Experience and motivation already within you

Most people in teams and organizations
Not fully utilized around the world Your team
Probably have more to provide in terms of skills, knowledge
It's an experience

Test this immediately-implement these steps,
Motivating team is the goal of the business.

Test money management

Or if it's a financial night, numbers from awakening to sleep?

It's tough. :
Money, management, life, ideas, business,

Article body:
Or if it's a financial night, numbers from awakening to sleep? Do you remember your deposit, your debt, your net savings, your average monthly cost? I think because it is not many. Money is one of the most important parts of our lives, but we do not know much about our own finances in exact terms. Is not it surprising?

Money management plays a very important role in success. If you are to put the same question on a very successful person you will get all the analytical answers thrown for good measurement. Those who make very big money understand the importance of money management. Unless you manage your money, you will not be able to make the most of it. I will discuss here some important parts of money management.

<strong> Debt </ strong>-You will not take debt if you can manage without it. I think that it is "enthusiasm" that kills debts and strange feelings of thinking. Ask about their lives-about those who have no debt but who live very simply and who have debt and live in luxury. You can see that the one without debt is enjoying his / her life more.

<strong> Increase your savings </ strong>-save more and reduce your spending. Your savings are not only useful for rainy days, but can also be used when the right opportunity arrives to create a war chest for you

<strong> Increase profits </ strong>-Try to reach that figure in your business with the goal of good profits. If you are hired, set your pay target and achieve it.

<strong> Cost reduction </ strong>-Reduce costs as much as possible. Avoid all unnecessary spending. Reduce all costs. Live frugal until you save your first million. Needless to say, this can be easy and enjoyable. If you do that right from the beginning, you can not save your first million.

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