There are basically three words that can accurately describe spam. : It may sound like the resume of a villain of some melodrama, but it's up to now every one of us has been burned by spam Spam, sometimes why the means justifies the end Here is an example.
Hirano is wrong in the technology used by customers aiming to create True. If you make a mistake, we will promote those who do not immediately know the spam email comments on other websites whenever you leave. On the contrary, they seem to have been scolded, and do not know the blogs of great damage blogs.
Understanding spam comments
Unsolicited email comments start Sprout Seeds are online guestbooks and websites. The owners of the unscrupulous site and the marketers returned to the spammers website and shocked these guestbooks of links (many of them used the links altogether). If you want to include a comment, you will love the versatile Cool Japan post and ideas if you want to use it on the home page. "Or" is a nice page.
Spam appears frequently, these days including blogs, just about anything, in the form of comments. This is very simple. Any blogger who wants to promote his blog simply writes down keyword heavy sentences in the guise of a comment, then a site that usually allows the display of hyperlinks on another blog or website randomly is usually the main target is.
The problem here is that this type of comment is not intentional at all. It is done randomly, like throwing a dart with a huge dartboard while wearing a blindfold in the hope of hitting something, something.
Why spam comments won't work for you
The comments on spam emails are also starting to show off in attractive blogs. That is, if you want to see your blog last long enough for your grandchildren to be taken seriously and appreciated. This is the reason for blogging on spam comments:
You are watched
These days, someone is sent indiscriminately once and is branded for life. Or is at least a blog or business you are trying to promote. The 2003 can spam act makes sure that spam is controlled and no one can shake it like a weapon.
Being associated with spam means that people in your blog hate spam. They report to your host provider or even your affiliate company and are more happy to avoid your blog altogether. And, yes, a host of other plugins designed to fight spam with Akismet will be looking.
You will be punished
By leaving spam comments on another website for the sole purpose of promoting your blog, you are the owner of that website and your host provider breaks off the ties with you and the relationship Use your blog to promote corporate products and your affiliates
This needs to happen, you need to redo everything from the square thing, with a dirty reputation. If you leave it in the future only more spam comments repeat over and over again and all the other disadvantages.
You will be seen as non-professional
It is desperate to be lazy, weak, and in a blog that is a spam mail comment. Why do you use techniques that are generally considered offensive? If you're non-professional, your visitors find it difficult to trust again.
Implicit code that violates
The reason is that we are trying to interact with the platform provided by the website for comments. Blogs, forums and discussion boards, regardless of the implicit agreement that participants are respected for their own beliefs, their age, gender, place or individual
Well spam e-mail comments These sites are mostly wet-type solenoid trust blogs, this code trusts ".
Spam e-mail comments and blog rankings. .. Artificially
In the sense that good news for your blog means artificial increase in rankings (so that your site appears high in search engine rankings) It will wear off soon.
This is especially true if you have nothing to offer to your blog. Visitors driven to your blog by search engine links (which you could artificially achieve) ring a sniff around your site and there is nothing
The contents of this home page around which there are words that may be badly filled are filled. Make sure to promote the must visit the content.
7 ways to leave traffic and drive traffic to your blog
People say they need to open your mouth to make an impression. It is physically impossible in the virtual world of the Internet, but your work is not completely difficult. You may be able to do co-forums and discussion boards, but comment and discussion threads will be from virtually anywhere in the world. And yes, you can drive traffic to your blog and leave comments to boost your readership.
Leave an effective comment
Perhaps it's old enough to know that any comment that won't get cast on the opportunity for interaction creates the desired effect, listen to it, or waste the opportunity if you don't use this technology carefully Or just let it create the wrong impression. There are seven ways you should do it:
Select a site to leave a comment
Why is Tiger-Woods great? Because he chooses his fight well. You will never find a forest that shakes his club in a lesser known tournament – not because he is a snobbish, he is really a problem
Keep this in mind before leaving a comment on the website. Just drop in the site-any site-and write there just as there is a burning need to drive traffic to your blog
Forum Choose the blogs and places you attend. Find out if the site deals with a topic or subject related to your own blog. Things like leaving a single well-crafted comment on the site that will help build a topic about your blog-only a deliberate comment
The site is completely irrelevant but if you have an impulse to leave a comment, so only during your spare time. Other, the focus is only on energy and productive activities.
Before leaving a comment to drive traffic on your blog, write something that is at least useful. Your goal is to be aware and respected of your opinion. 'With' the way to go! I just can not cut it
Forget about leaving a comment now if this is the best you can do, and focus on other strategies to drive traffic to your blog. Avoid this technique better than being as embarrassing or lame or mediocre.
But if you can write and say something meaningful, please do it. All comments are not available, so briefly, you have points. Talk related topics must be avoided for your specific purpose.
Avoid strong languages
Of course, some sites can also be strongly commented or at least be camouflaged symbols etc! # $% & *, But there is a way to get your points, though, how angry, upset or reason-like.
In addition, most sites and blogs impose specific restrictions that limit the use of specific words. Try to translate the sentence without losing your main idea. Use an online thesaurus as needed. If the comment is posted online, remember that there is no way to get it back, especially if it is not your site. There is absolutely no such thing that a comment can rot if it can be
Please don't excuse me
Have a good sense of humor. The internet is a vast expanse of space and is currently unlimited. In fact, it is the whole universe itself. I urge people to post vacation comments, but it is an idea.
First of all, we are democracy and people have every right to their opinion. Second, counterattacking with the same kind of silly words is not a good reflection on you. Third, you are better than that. If you need to keep your position, do so in class.
cool your head!
Please leave a blog comment on the car traffic blog, and other websites, it's professional. I have not left such a message! !!!!!
A good rule of thumb is that it follows the accepted structure of language English whatever you are using to post. If you need to use an exclamation point, make sure you really need it. We will avoid other problems.
Purely bold or capitalized letters leaving comments, desperate and non-professional sprouts. It avoids people with hardselling, droves.
Check your blog reply
Check back on the forums where you participated to maximize comments on other sites and check whether you have an answer to the left post This is a good way to build a topic or network .
Check your facts
If you cite someone or a particular study, make sure that your facts are supported. Do not use or believe in newly invented numbers and sentences or semi-truths and try to legally pass them. You will be published. If you want to drive traffic to your blog by leaving a comment please make sure not to pollute your reputation in the effort.
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