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A movie teaching the value of faith

Two powerful movies recently released on DVD show the importance of faith and virtue in leading a good life.

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A movie teaching the value of faith

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Two powerful movies recently released on DVD show the importance of faith and virtue in leading a good life.

One, "Mother Theresa" is the most well-known in the world, tells the story of one of the most admired women's lives, "the end of the spear" to the Waodani Indian of Ecuador Pesos

Mother - Theresa was a nun who was born in Albania and founded a missionary of charity. Many people called "Angels of Mercy" regarded her as a figure of a living saint. Her works in Calcutta's poverty made her of the world's most famous people. She is "a burden to the society, all people feel naked for the whole society, hungry, naked, homeless, disabled, blind, lepers, unnecessary, not loved, everyone"

Golden Gloves - Winner Olivia - Hussey is shining the story of holy female life at Fox Home Entertainment DVD "Mother Teresa". Astute diplomat and indomitable forces, Mother Theresa will accept what is deemed impossible, fighting for being forgotten that others are not mercilessly loved

In 1956, a small band of missionaries tried to enlighten the tribe of the darkest Ecuadorian erotic race, but due to their compassion they were mercilessly killed and a few years later the fallen male's wife , Bringing children to live among tribes in hopes that their forgiveness may find natives to find faith, husband

Director Jim * Hannon now Elisabeth * Elliot, based on the book "through the Splendor's Gate" by one widow of missionaries, fear of "the end of the spear", faith and

This movie tells the story of Wandeman's warrior Mincayani who killed Steve-Sun's father and the other four missionaries. Steve will return to Waodani as an adult and meet Mincayani; together they face the life and death meanings of other men who were killed with Steve's father. Through Steve, Mincayani will begin to understand the lessons of the Bible and the way to a noble life.

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