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A new article on the block of overcoming writer

Instead of using a late night of corruption with the writer's block, it is easy to give thought.

It's tough. :

Get advice, writing articles, ideas, writer blocks, search engine rankings

Article body:

Small business owners do better to consider writing a week article about the offered solutions when customers do business with you. This will return to each link online articles syndicates at a cost that can not be published. One of the keys to having an external link site is to improve search engine rankings.

Important: Write from a neutral point of view. You are not selling your product or service; you are selling your reputation as a specialist. Do not include any prices or offers. Write as if you were explaining something to your neighbors or someone who will never be your customer.

A year ago I had a manga published in various business newsletters and sometimes the hard part was popping up with ideas. I developed a system that worked beautifully. Instead, I took eight hours to come up with a humorous situation, and then I was able to get some concepts in ten minutes, and to draw a four-hour cartoon, and for writing an article here My system of twisting is and works.

Get an idea

Do this practice and fill in the blanks. You know ______ when ______. The first space is the problem, the second space is the reason or result of the problem. Instead of using a late night of corruption with the writer's block, it is easy to give thought. Do a half dozen and then choose the best to write your article.

For example:
For customers who know it, please forget to keep moving away from them.

Outline frame

Next, for the outline of the article, I use a three-step rough layout that takes the reader to a happy ending in a logical order. Skeletons are simple phrases without full sentences and are sufficient to keep the thought process running smoothly as you read and work on articles.

Situation (filling the above blanks from One Liner)
Action (solution to solve the problem)
Results (describe the results and include statistics as needed)


Articles need to be 500-1500 words that meet the minimum requirements for article directories so you can submit them there. I went from three sites linked to me at 650 in less than 150 weeks. That's a great result just writing a week. In Notepad, 500 words are at least a full screen page and a half, so two full screens are good to get close to 750-1000 words.

It's tough.
Make sure to grab the reader's attention on the first line and paragraph of the "hooks" (problems) they may experience.

Take a one-liner and expand it to explain what happens and why.

Acting beginning!
Show the reader the solution of the word in action to describe your advice.

This is really a conclusion, or a result. As human statistics, as an example of the addition or percentage of numbers that can be done, the person who advises is making everything.

If there is an article written, leave it for the day and return to see if it still reads well. Before submitting to the registry, you need to create a title, introduction, resource box, and list of keywords. For the title, use the action word to stimulate the reader and keep it short. For the intro, choose a line or two from an article that raises interest. Your resource box is equivalent to "authors" and should include your company, web address, and a general description of what you are doing.

Finally, to get published, search Google for "Article Directory" and find 1000's to consider your articles. There are 50-100 directories for each of the first week of submission to improve search engine rankings.

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