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A quick and easy way to develop a strategic plan for any written document.

Tsutsutsu Tsutsutsu Tsutsutsu.

A quick and easy way to develop a strategic plan for any written document. And while it does not require much actual writing, it helps to focus your attention and get a better response to your message.

It's tough. :
Planning, strategic planning, writing strategy, writing, communication

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Here is a quick and easy way to develop a strategic plan for any written document. And while it does not require much actual writing, it helps to focus your attention and get a better response to your message.

Take the paper and divide it by about a quarter by drawing a horizontal line across the page and a vertical line under the page.

Write down the embryo of the idea from the top left corner. Just take a few words and describe the basic idea. Do not go over it and force a certain amount of simplicity to use any space beyond that square. For example, "Please try to occasionally bill customers at the middle and end of the month, not at the end of the month."

Move to the upper right corner and briefly explain the "what" and "why" of the idea. Did you ever think about getting something? For example, "5% can improve cash flow and reduce our line of credit costs."

Now, go to the bottom right corner and make notes about 'people' and 'how' involved in the implementation of the idea. For example, "sales representative sends billing information for the 10th and 25th of every month, and the billing department is Process and print 15th and 30th invoices. "

Finally, in the lower left corner, we will show you how to know if the idea worked. You will monitor to see what you measure or whether you are getting certain benefits in the upper right corner. For example, "Check the accounts receivable ratio and the cost of the monthly credit line."

Well, you have a one-page summary of your ideas, and that is not a detailed plan, but that you think through ideas

20 Tips for Showing Companies & Office Areas

1. If you operate an office that receives a visiting customer, you probably have a receptionist. Such areas can be used to great advantage. While waiting to see why your customers do not give them the opportunity to learn about you and the company? To make it clear what your company is doing, a large picture of the factory and the products / services you offer will help. It also gives insight into areas where your visitors may not be able to access under normal circumstan. ..

It's tough. :
Art, Photography, Framing, Art for Offices

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1. If you operate an office that receives a visiting customer, you probably have a receptionist. Such areas can be used to great advantage. While waiting to see why your customers do not give them the opportunity to learn about you and the company? To make it clear what your company is doing, a large picture of the factory and the products / services you offer will help. It also gives insight into areas where your visitors may not be accessible under normal circumstances. You may be surprised if the backstage is good.

2. Alternatively, you can take the opportunity to feature photos of the major workers in your team. Head-and-shoulder photos and tags will allow first-time visitors to recognize who they are in order to meet and to determine their position within the management team. This is someone you are new to I am quite comfortable when I meet you. It also helps the staff to be valued and feel the real part of the organization.

3. If you think it is a hobby that you like to show at the staff's posing a little creative feature that you will need to contract. If M. D. is a keen angler, or a sales manager joins an amateur drama, feature those in a suitable attire. This makes people look like "humans" and makes them easy to associate, not office automata.

4. If the customer has to wait for a while or is waiting for a complaint, carefully consider how it can be enjoyed while waiting for you, so keep in mind it is friendly and bright red or solid In order to avoid aggressive colors such as blacks, pastel natural colors in abstract design and pastel colours, you also have some humorous cartoons and caricatures of senior management as people with good humor and friendly nature It is generally said to be targeted as a way to present For example, even if M. D. is a big fan, avoid pictures of football clubs etc. Customers are relieved by your choice of entertaining and images, and if you are out to meet them with a big helpful smile on your face, they will

5. Similar rules apply when decorating the general control area of ​​the office. This work is repeated regularly to enjoy the bright positive image displayed by the comfortable staff. However, you may avoid the scenes of the beaches and palm trees in the Far East and you may find them drifting on your only spiritual holiday.

6. Avoid cliché pictures of showing Lion being "Customer King" etc in your marketing or sales area attempts. If true, such messages will be affected by tiredness. Instead, why assemble letters of nice happy customers, certificates of achievements, employees of the month award, photos of going out of the staff earned as rewards for the results These are the reasons why everyone is there And reminders of the rewards earned for the effort will spur them to gain future awareness

7. Make sure your art is modern, popular and right up to date. Lily framed calendar prints of tired frames Monet's water against aged wallpapers and wood wall panels just do not do. They give a slow, old-fashioned outdated signal. It seems to be a good opportunity for me to be allowed, the old hanging, it is not necessarily this limit. A large positive print and a good frame make much more of a statement than something old and tired.

8. As flowers and fish tanks are possible, they are a workplace for employment art. This has the benefit of regular recovery as the manufacturer's visit when allocated to change the display. Also, if you have the opportunity to live with them for a while, you can give them the opportunity to see what you want to maintain more permanently

9. If you put your money on good cause why you are not a sponsor of a local school or hospital, rather to provide paintings by students or patients. These are different Mizuho Finansha side. Well constructed, the poorest of the effort can look very interesting considering the source.

10. No) "We are working hard to get you specified. Cheap tatty framed images and attitudes to recognize. Tatty attitudes to your décor make the customer a service you give them to them or a thin watery to your business You can suggest having an attitude Presentations you make at your place of work

11 A ship that runs loose if these areas are found by your customers as being done easily by being such pop star photos, vulgar calendars, humorous poems etc about the work here etc Give the impression of Allow all staff to personalize the area to the range by all means Family pictures after 5pm This person thinks that the customer will return to humans again If possible, the others only for the staff room Keep the trend.

12 Do not sterilize your work environment too much. These are preferably synthetic, taking advantage of plants well, so that they don't take oxygen from the air, maybe fish aquariums, well done papers look very impressive and quiet The good use of lighting is great for the atmosphere of the place You can make a difference. Here again, to all who visit you to be in touch with the world beyond your own door.

13 Discourage staff from holding personal conversations within the client's speech strongly waiting. Not only is this very embarrassing for those who are waiting, it suggests a lack of discipline and attention to work by hand. Keep exclusive interest of Molly and her boyfriend last night and what did you do with her boyfriend.

14 I am finished with elegance to tell the story of front staff well. It's your name in the name of your customer and it is available for coffee or renewal at this address. Select only those individuals who have a good spoken voice, personal or greet their clients by phone or make announcements on the PA system. This is very important when directing customers and staff to establish the quality of your company as well.

The smart appearance of staff is necessary to maintain standards. Clean mules, well-tie ties, smart haircuts etc go a long way in making a great impression. With these days of increased casual attitude, it is not difficult to stand on the competition. You don't have to go up, but the rolled shirt sleeve still looks much better than the tee shirt.

16 A washroom for use by you and your clients often looked when setting the criteria above. Simple things like make sure soap, tissue, toilet seat (believe it or not) are all hot water, along with extractor fans that work there, and hand dryer cleanliness is of course too important. Checked equipment and quality can be improved by all means.

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