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A smart way to use a script to teach friends

To convey a friend script, you can fill in your name and email address and email address to one or more of your friends, on the web page it sends a message to your friend and you form We recommend that you take a look at the sites you filled in and tell them those. Since then, please don't bring out friend wisdom. If you use it in a smart way, tell your friend's script if it is a very powerful viral marketing method.

It's tough. :
Viral markety

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To convey a friend script, you can fill in your name and email address and email address to one or more of your friends, on the web page it sends a message to your friend and you form We recommend that you take a look at the sites you filled in and tell them those. Since then, please don't bring out friend wisdom.

If you use it in a smart way, tell your friend's script if it is a very powerful viral marketing method. The first thing you should do is create an e-book, special report or software that you can give to your visitors. This product is, of course, your own marketing message. You can also let others give your product for free.

But now the smart part comes. .. Before anyone can download for free the product is the first to use as a friend script or recommend a website to a friend. Once you decide how many friends are freebie before telling. In the message out to friends, they also need to mention that you can download the product for free. Of course it is a good friend.

If you have a really good product, people can not find it elsewhere. People love to recommend products to their friends. This is perfect for products that are unique and valuable. If you have created properly, it is better to consider selling up to the product and it's free. It has the potential to become a powerful viral marketing machine that then generates a lot of traffic to your site A truly unique and valuable proda

It is very easy to set up a friend script web page. Just copy and paste a little code and you're done. To find a script, just go to Google and search for "scripts to tell a friend" to find lots of free scripts. Integration with some of the more advanced scripts How many people receive messages before the script actually visits. Before choosing a script, it is a good idea to compare a few different things to see which features you have.

We want to make sure that the visit is happening. Viral markety

This is the second permitted product of the smart marketing inventor.

Are you confused about how to protect your inventions and benefit from it? Ten items in this series were asked the most commonly asked questions by the inventor for patent-selling primers.

Topics covered in this series include: 1) Why protect your inventions first; 2) Turn your inventions into marketable products;

A must-read for the inventor at all experience levels.

It's tough. :
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Many smart inventors create unique products that solve problems that need to be solved, and many smart inventors make life easier and save people's lives. However, many of these inventors are engineering. Not having a degree, not a designer, many have no design experience at all. They usually do not have any marketing experience. Therefore, they do not recognize the fact that the rough prototype of their invention does not succeed as a marketable product. This can be due to a number of factors, including:

1. Products based on the invention (hereinafter referred to as "the products") do not meet the needs of specific customers;
2. Products do not appeal to customers aesthetically;
3. The product is not designed to withstand abuse and use the customer is subjected to
Products, and
4. The product is not properly packaged, advertise, promote to appeal to customers.

About the factor 1, that the product does not meet the needs of a specific customer, that is the bottom line of any potential customer, if the product actually needs of the customer who needs the customer The potential customer, he or she does not know, the marketing effort is the need and how the product meets that need The potential customer needs make their lives more enjoyable, Easy, including etc.

With regard to factor 2, that the product does not appeal to customers aesthetically, it is the first thing that potential customers are likely to perceive is the overall appearance of the product The look that appeals to the potential customers to the product If you do, it is likely that you will investigate the product to see what it is, and how it works. Aesthetic appeal includes the entire line of product, ie, the curved surface or angular surface of the product is the color of the attractive product The curved lines are only like and cocoon Modern, ergonomics while horn lines may be more appropriate for other products such as hand tools

In Section 3, because this product is not designed to withstand the use and abuse of the customer when using the product, the customer is not permitted to use the product, for example, a screw driver with a hammer. May be used only as beats. It should be noted that the product should be robust so as to withstand foreseeable and unintended use, and that warning stickers should be affixed to the product. The question in this respect is that such a large urban yellow Should be directed to a lawyer specializing in the legal area of ​​product liability, as in the page phonebook

Finally, for factor 4, products are not properly packaged, advertised, and not advertised to appeal to customers. Therefore, well thought out, designed packaging and advertising materials , Is essential to the success of many products. This should be apparent from the not-so-long viewing of these items what the product does for potential customers. Keep in mind, you usually only have a few seconds of fractions to capture potential customer interest and interest in your product Advertising and package design specialists, Yellow Pages Phonebook Most large cities and many book ads that can be consulted for rates

My Review,

Bryan-R-Rave Esq
Tsutsutsu Tsuitsu.

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