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Acing Interview: A Positive Approach to Hard Questions

You can ask the most common interview questions or break a job interview in an instant. It is important for job seekers to practice these answers until you can handle all the questions, for the answers Together with the proposed approach of

It's tough. :
Interview skills, tough interview questions, acing, interviews, finishing land

Article body:
As a career consultant, I work with the technical client I need to succeed in job search – including all tools and interviewing skills One of the things that I have noticed over the years is the candidate Often they are designed to say something negative or self-destructing (generally leading to rejection) Certainly, job seekers are also aware of the sound of how many negative of their answers interviewed not! So, teaching is all my clients' negative and will be interpreted as something that could be a good negative! "Anyone who has been able to avoid eligibility has been given a negative answer to all questions listed (or at least , Means the stakeholders.

The following are the most commonly asked interview questions and the proposed approach to answer. It is important for job seekers to practice these answers until all questions can be processed effectively.

Why do you want to work here? How can we help our company? Why are you interested?
The answer is always based on the information you previously researched about the company and its needs.

If you chose someone for this job, what kind of person would you choose?
The answer is to "generally state your own general qualification, without being too obvious".

If you can do what you want in this company?
The answer is related to the most common explanation of the job – not a specific title.

What weakness does this job have?
Trap question. Never say anything negative! The answer can not be considered about the weaknesses that compromise your performance in this work, and should be considered for a while, and shown below; or negatively responsible for the work

What do you expect from this job that you did not get at the current / previous job?
Trap question. Please do not say anything negative. Please expect the status to exceed the current work. With the new position there is a broader responsibility and we hope to make a greater contribution.

What do you see here as your future?
I hope to contribute at a higher level and increase responsibility over time.

Are other locations considered at this point?
Trap question. Simply "Yes."

How do you compare this opportunity?
Very favorable to what I have heard so far ... and I want to learn more.

What other companies / opportunities do you see now?
I'm not free to say because I'm still in discussions with these companies because I'm sure you can appreciate. Just like your company under similar circumstances you need to protect their privacy

What are your short and long-term goals?
Short distance: I can apply my skills and experience, to increase the company's productivity and profitability, to secure the appropriate new position.
Long Distance: Take more responsibility and make a big contribution over time for my employer.

What motivates you?
Focus the answers on your core values ​​and also on the values ​​and priorities of the company you are interviewing with

What did you do to improve yourself during the last year?
Talk about your area of ​​professional development, training programs, educational curricula, surveys, skill exercises you read, buildings, related books, etc.

How do you spend your spare time?
Say something non-aggressive, non-political, harmless. (Reading, practice, travel, home project, horticulture, family activities, home project, etc.)

Please tell me about your health
My health is excellent.

What will you change if you can play the last 15 years?
Nothing is perfect, but overall I will say that I am quite happy with the way my life and career has developed – I am an important change

Tell us about your greatest accomplishments / disappointments in your life.
Meet your spouse and give personal examples such as getting married; placing yourself by college and graduate school; or your first home, etc.). It's a professional achievement. As for the disappointment, I gave the answer above, "Overall, I'm pretty happy with the way my life and career has evolved."

What did you like best about your last job?
Trap question. Never say anything negative! I like the explanation. Then say that you are fully lucky to learn and grow professionally in each of the positions you hold while you have challenges in every job.

In your last position, how much work did you do on your own, and how much work did you do as a member of the team? We can enjoy well.
Your flexibility and adaptability – In terms of your ability to work in any mode, the story seems appropriate to the situation. It is clear that effective teams are required to be independent of each other. That's a lot about what works best for projects and companies at that time.

What are some of the more difficult problems you encountered in your past work? How did you solve it?
Please tell me the story of two or more pre-prepared outcomes. Keep it positive!

Have you ever made suggestions for senior management? What's wrong?
"Yes." Even as a result of achievement talks, teaching is positively affected.

In your previous work, what did management think you did to make them work more effectively as employees?
Trap question. Never say anything negative! Employers say that they are very good at providing resources and support to your position and that there are no complaints about this.

What keeps you from faster and more distant progress in your career?
Trap question. Never say anything negative! Condition: "I don't know what might be giving you the impression that I'm dissatisfied with the progress and pace of my career. I have my career at this point in my life I am quite happy with one place, but I am ready to make a bigger challenge. ”

What else do you know about you?
Please tell me one or more of your best achievement stories. Also, I was interested in how I thought that I wanted to be suitable for the repeat method.

Tell us about the best / worst bosses you have ever had.
Trap Question: Never say anything negative! While all your bosses are different, you work productively and say that you learn something from each. (Prepare to give some examples of what you have learned.)

Everyone likes to criticize. What do people criticize about you?
Trap question. Never say anything negative! Say that you can not think of any critiques you receive from your work colleagues. Of course, there is an area for development where your boss can give you an "employee review", and you might have made suggestions for improvement. State that you are always taking measures to make the required improvements as you are taking these types of proposals seriously, this is a professional thing (at least one example of a condition).

Everyone is pet irritated. What are you?
Trap question. Never say anything negative! Turn this question on by stating your high professional standard. Your only "pet peeves" are with yourself – push yourself hard and don't accept ordinary, eg – or how your job always works, etc.

Your leadership
Talk in terms of your flexibility and adaptability – your mode of guiding in any mode seems appropriate to your situation. For example, the different leadership styles of the testimonial combine the results of your use with regard to how it works best for the project and company at that time.

Are you geographically mobile? Are you willing to put in (or) many extra hours?
Ask for clarification-What exactly does the interviewer mean? And, according to their answer, say "it doesn't matter at all" or "I want you to think back to them within 24 hours thinking about it."

You do not have experience / background in this position. How would you handle it?
You say you are confused by their comments, you are very confident that you have the experience and background for this position What is missing from your experience? (Sometimes the interviewer is a fair test.) Re-qualify your qualifications, if necessary, and tie the story of your achievements to the requirements of the employer.

Are you over-qualified for this position? (Even if you are slightly overqualified)
Condition: No-I see a lot of challenges on this occasion, and I'm sure I will find the job very interesting. Give some examples of what you mean Talk about the new dimension of experience and skills that you bring to position, most of you do this job

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