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Advertising on TV

Advertisements for products, organizations, and services are generally broadcast on television. This is the specific TV channel from the time slot of the purchase slot. The price depends on the popularity of the channel, the time the commercial is being aired, the number of viewers and the length of the commercial. Placing commercials in the local channel is more realistic in the national channel with almost double cost.
In doing so, it's a good idea to have a commercial TV in your arrangement so that you can reach the audience's needs so that you can get a good idea of ​​the girth. Different prime times are usually from 6 to 7 pm, most can be determined by their choice of television shows such as fame talk, cartoons, sports, reality, news, movies, soap, prime time etc to different audiences It is an expensive slot. Following that is the time of news at noon or 10-11pm slot, this is proven to be the most effective time slot for commercial success More realistic is the time of 12-4pm soap . Always check with your sales representative for the price. When advertising at the national level, check out advertising agencies that typically operate on a fee basis. It is highly recommended to stay away from negotiating ad rerun and paying the full amount.
Compare the prices of different networks, advertise before different programs. Aside from storing money, it results in buying Tricredit, but with a 30 second slot and a 15 second long cm. This increases the likelihood of target audience watching commercials without the cost of re-operation. But this is dangerous as pressure to convey important information in a short period of time increase. Therefore, the commercial should not be so short as the actual message could not be correctly conveyed to the audience. Normal note commercials can be of shorter duration.
Look at people who wish to buy a slot that has already been purchased. This is so bad that they need a lot of slots, so they are more like bids that are sometimes ready to pay twice the amount sometimes This is usually around New Year's Eve, Thanksgiving holidays or Christmas holidays Occurs during the holiday season coming in the last quarter of the year. For the best time slot commercials of the year to buy this year is the first and second quarters of the year. Salespeople are spending a lot of money advertising during the holiday season and trying to recover from it The price that gives the advertiser a discount is usually
Check out the discounts offered for advertising around the year if you are planning to pay for advertising commercials for the entire year. Discounts are usually offered when signing a half year period, and ten percent are offered when signing a 12 month period. But these discounts are usually offered to confuse people from this point and no commercials are released during or at odd times during the holiday season
The very first commercial to go to the air was WNBC, a watchmaker from Brova, July 1, 1941 in the United States. And since then it hasn't been stopped, and now commercials sell something you can imagine until now.

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