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After you have in the first few days

Congested chest

After you have in the first few days
When you give birth, you may discover your chest
It feels swollen, soft, throbbing, crunchy
Too full. Sometimes the swelling spreads
All the way to your armpit, you can run
Low fever too.

Within 72 hours of birth, abundant
Milk coming in or becoming available to you
Baby When this happens, more blood flows
In part of your chest and surrounding tissue
I am swollen. The result is full, swollen and disgusted

Experience of mother after every birth
Hyperemia. Only the breasts of some women
While others find their chest
Surprisingly Harder Some Women Are Most
They notice pain as they are involved in others
Things for the first few days.

Handle it
Remember, hyperemia is a positive sign
Producing milk to feed you
Baby Until you produce the right amount:
1. Wear a supporting nursing bra,
Night-to make sure it's not too hard.
2. Often a chest feed, every 2-3 hours
if you can. Try to get your first side
As soft as possible. Your baby
Satisfied with only one chest, you
Other in the next feeding.
3. Your red
When the areola is very firm and sucks. To reduce
The possibility of nipple damage can be used by you
Pump until your areola is soft.
4. Avoid pumping milk other than you
Make the areola softer or when the baby
It can not be latched. Excessive pumping can
Lead to over production of milk and extended
5. To help relieve and relieve pain
Swell, apply a cold pack to your chest
A short time after you nursing. Crushed
Ice in plastic bags also works.
6. Look ahead You get over this
As soon as you can with no bloody time
Enjoy your chest relationship
New baby.

The engorgement passes very quickly. You
Expect it to diminish, as within 24-48 hours
It is a problem only for nursing babies. if
You are not breastfeeding, it is usually
It gets worse before it gets better. one time
It's your heart that has been engorged
Soft and still full of milk.

During this time you can continue to
Nurse Unrelieved may cause angorgement drop
In your milk production, it is important
Feed the baby from the beginning. To read more
Eyes for signs of hunger and him when feeding him
Need to supply.

Breastfeeding infant

Because more and more women are
Feed your baby, find more
They will last longer than enjoying it
The first few months they planned. tits
Feeding up to 3-4 years is often seen
In the recent days of the world, and is still common
Many societies for infants to be breast-fed.

Mothers and babies often enjoy breasts
Half a year later,
Many think that breastfeeding loses its value-
It is different, but after half a year, it
Still contains protein, fat and other important
Nutrients that babies and children need.

In fact, the immune factors in breast milk are
Protect your baby from infection. tits
Milk also contains a helping factor
Develop a mature immune system, and other organs
And it has matured as well.

This has been shown and proven in the past
The still-fed nursery children
Has much less severe infections
Children who are not breastfeeding. mother
If she chooses to lose less work time
She keeps feeding her baby since she returned
It's a job

If you think about your breastfeeding
He will pass six months of age Once baby, you
I made a wise decision. There are many feelings
It is not necessary, breastfeeding always
Help your baby or toddler. Breastfeeding
You can add the best milk.

No matter how others tell you, breastfeeding
You need to stop when you and your baby are
I agree with it. Someone when you don't have to stop
I also want-stop
You feel that it is right.

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