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All you need to know is a blog host

Apart from chat rooms, instant messengers and e-mails, a machine for interaction created for interaction with communication across the turf The personal facial online community needed is the Internet of technology landscapes slowly .

Blogs / "weblogs" or blogging is the newest gift of Internet technology to people around the world. These have been updated, in the strangest nature of two of the largest submissions for crops or individual life snippets. In most cases, a "blog" is a personal, unedited, genuine journal that is intended to be shared with the online community. The blog site is where bloggers can publish anything; his thoughts, feelings, photos, special events, experiences, comments etc. of the issue. Access to this site, video links, documents, newsletters and opinions just about every issue I was interested in.

It is made to welcome blog insights and all opinions, so you need to write in intimidating too formal sounds. This kind of blog is a surefire way to place readers. The basics of blogging will reach the audience for a more appropriate purpose than the tone of the conversation.

Blogging is all about individuals reaching out to other individuals. Have your own set of benefits with blogs:

? Freedom of expression. If you want people to hear you and give their own opinion, this is the best way to create a line of communication;
? There is a network. This blog is a product of a marketing company for consumers who have made good platform exchange genuine ideas. Sound views and perspectives are better than displaying price quotes;
An excellent advertising platform. Blogging is a new way of advertising refreshing changes from products, traditional advertising outlets and is cost effective.
• Measure public opinion on products and services. The key is a nice, captivating tie in new ideas presented in your content This is the guarantee of a fast, repeated response from your readers. Blogs are an excellent point for exchanging ideas between sellers and consumers. Suitable for measuring public opinion on services and products.
• A useful tool for internal communication. This will help your company build a knowledge-based community of employees. It is also good to use employee relationships and identify human resource problems in advance.
• Other benefits like search engine optimization (SEO) help your blogs to be viewed frequently by as many people as you wish. This is a very good exposure for your product or service.

There are many blog hosting services on the internet. And, basically, the problem is one of the services of the business blog that has started. Business people are usually clueless to recent innovations that help maximize their marketing potential. These are novices, but will be blogging to provide the first service of their study. Business Broaden instead of damaged sales opportunities.

Companies can do the following depending on their capacity and needs: 1) Host their own blog service, 2) Pay to someone else to host the service, Available for the individual There is a free paid service.

For business blogs, they are required to have the latest blogging features; otherwise, this maximizes the potential of marketing, pr activities and SEO

Mind that Blogs should have the following basic elements:

comment. Welcome comments provide an opportunity for dialogue. Business This has received loyalty and trust from a better customer relationship structure. Blogging is an innovative way to talk to your customers.
Track Back This helps to maximize the exposure of a company or product. Click through the service and click on the Consumer Confidence button to be located in a difficult, up-to-date situation without updating. If your blog is pervasive in a particular online community, chances go to your blog location Links are everywhere online, other blogs
Category and tag. Both of these help sort out the search search blog for ease of navigation and on site. Categories act as a library to categorize posts by subject matter such as business, distance learning, e-commerce, online auctions, etc. Tags help to categorize, especially in the blog search engine Technorati. So, look for customers or new customers, and click tags that are not unprofitable for a particular topic.
RSS feed. The really simple Syndication is a feed from your blog sent to the Internet and collected through various newsreaders and aggregators.

If your company is to establish a business blogging program, a considerable choice is to be used by the hosting company that is finalized for service Free blog hosting service is a popular personal e-journal package that is not popular. We were able to refresh the unlimited package that provided paid blog hosting service. You may want to suggest an inspection from some blogs that use the host initially, and read and inspect the layout and design. Hosting technical support in what you think is also important.

After selecting a blog host, your team should be ready to plan your blog design and structure. :
Create a style that meets the needs of the audience;
Establish an open and reliable tone;
Schedule weekly updates of blogs-ideally, a few times a week;
? Include web links of other websites and blogs;
Blog post should be the "first person"; "
Focus on the purpose of the business blog. ,
Maintain an honest, engaging conversational quality.

What good, what, style and content blog is reflected.

Study the basic principles of RSS

What is RSS?
You've probably seen these three-letter acronyms in the process of surfing the internet. RSS actually stands for a simple Syndication or rich site summary; syndicating means re-posting articles coming from different sources such as websites.

RSS is a means of publishing updates about a website. It may or may not contain summaries or photos of the latest post. However, those that provide a summary (and thus a rich site summary) can decide later whether they will access the website source, and the RSS feeds will usually be sent out updates from the website Contains the title of. There is also usually a link to the website source.

What are the benefits of RSS?
RSS benefits both readers (users) and web publishers.
1. It provides you the latest updates.
For weather, new music, software upgrades, local news, or, rarely, new posts from an update site, as soon as it comes out

2. Save it in surf time.
As the RSS feed provides an overview of the relevant articles, it will help with the s / he deciding to prioritize when the item reads or browses the web

3. It gives users the power of subscription.
Users are given the freedom to web site to subscribe on their RSS aggregators, which can be changed at any time, as determined differently.

4. It reduces confusion in your inbox.
There is an email address that you can enjoy using the service for online RSS and judging that it will send an email address that does not use RSS.

5. It's free spam.
Unlike the number of email subscriptions, RSS does not use email updates to send email addresses and privacy policies are always safe or spam.

6. It takes less time to unsubscribe.
Unlike e-mail subscriptions where the user is asked why the s / he is unsubscribing questions and then the user is asked to confirm the unsubscribing you have to

7. It can be used as an advertising and marketing tool.
Users who are subscribed to or syndicate products website will send spam to the latest news products and services sites. This is advantageous to both web users and website owners as advertising becomes targeted; those who are really interested in their products

What is the disadvantage of RSS?
The disadvantage of using RSS is brought about by being a new technology and some user preference concerns.
1. Make favorite incoming mail news of some users as RSS feed.

2. Graphics and photos do not appear in all RSS feeds.
For brevity and ease of publication, RSS feeds announce updates, except for some web-based aggregators, and do not display photos from the original site

3. The source web site id can be confusing.
Since the RSS feed does not display the actual URL or name of the website, you can get confused at times what feed the user is actually reading.

4. The publisher can not determine the number of users subscribed to the feed and the frequency of visits. In addition, users can not know why it is important to improve their ads.

5. RSS feeds create higher traffic and demand on servers.
The most read over-update summary is thus also a site of access.

6. Many sites do not yet support RSS as it is a new technology.

How do I start using RSS?

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