Apparently, we can not include his enthusiasm to strike people who do not know about relatively wonderful, constitute a lot of the Western world, wrong formal civilization world political, military, and intelligence resources As we combined, we can not find the head of potatoes, as we have the opportunity for audiotape to arrest him
Here's how. The only requirement for having a video camera buyer is that upon receiving, he must agree to make a video about the way to his hideout. In order to lengthen his short - lived celebrity, he can even offer it in installments. The media will become wild for it.
Small tits. :
Humor, laugh, laugh, laugh, news, newslaugh, comedy, fun, funny, spoofing, spoofing, satire, joke, joke
Article body:
Apparently, we can not include his enthusiasm to strike people who do not know about relatively wonderful, constitute a lot of the Western world, wrong formal civilization world political, military, and intelligence resources As we combined, we can not find the head of potatoes, as we have the opportunity for audiotape to arrest him
Here's how. Someone buys video - cameras and battery - powered lights to a secretly concealed person. He is pleased to display his self-narcissistic self for a long time and to voice his sad dissent with information-based thinking, so he is currently a video camera
It can not be fearful that he will reveal his place in his place, he always struggled to get a foothold in the opium Mexico border town hanging the same kind of chintzy curtain behind him Production value at almost the same level as the commercial for discount chains.
The only condition is that upon receiving the equipment, the OBL must agree to make a video about the way to his hideout. In order to lengthen his short - lived celebrity, he can even offer it in installments. The media will become wild for it.
We do not know the reason why he does not accept this opportunity for a worldwide indication of his long cramped ego, because in the last report he is the only four
Of course, we will think to have twenty to seven virgins as a good time Every person with four wives, it really has four companions
He does not need to worry excessively about these impossible complications, but since the language analysis has become apparent before some time, it appears in Virgin Arabic. In a certain context he is applying it to guarantee suicide, ready for the fellow, but somewhat more from the dark era So crazy Muslims are our world trade center ie , In fact, humanity built to promote global economic capacity and development
Meanwhile, his lover who is not an Iraqi, Absentia al-Zarqawi made his boss better. As a cool enemy of humankind, he was raised in black, I thought he and his leader wanted even his own people.
Oh, what toll we have to pay for the deadly duo of ignorance and backwardness! Obviously witnessed a non-conscientious bombing in the Egypt resort of Dahab at the timing to follow OBL's latest audio only pontification.
How do anyone who does not feel for their fellow human exchiate anything and expect them to do them? Someone thinking of a friend, in fact this blessing, on the devastated earth, human beings of their own continuation become worthy and should tell them that they are major emotions
Regarding OBL, as some real Indiana Jones finds where he is hiding, we finally gave him the delinquent remaining false pests
When you do not attach charity to the building - gates 'lives, money' s bean
Bill - Gates, by 2008, will withdraw from the daily roles at Microsoft and spend more time on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, focusing on global health and education
His presentation inspired an avid student to suck in across this spring land and reminded us of the excess of graduation speech. We seem to have listened to the honorable praiseworthy goals for recent graduates, so they may achieve the goals the speaker's generation impossible,
Regardless of preference and despair, not only today's world, but also done by many different ages, two main forces: wealth and power, and from wealth other than relying on firearms
Small tits. :
Humor, comedy, satire, political satire, laugh, jokes, news, news laughter, newslaugh, lol, laugh, spoofing, skit, skit
Article body:
Bill - Gates, by 2008, will withdraw from the daily roles at Microsoft and spend more time on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, focusing on global health and education
His presentation inspired an avid student to suck in across this spring land and reminded us of the excess of graduation speech. We seem to have listened to the honorable praiseworthy goals for recent graduates, so they may achieve the goals the speaker's generation impossible,
Regardless of preference and despair, not only today's world, but also done by many different ages, two main forces: wealth and power, and from wealth other than relying on firearms
If you would like to influence this bastardy and inevitable way of the world, all power supplies think the rigid truth named spring from the opening of fat purse. It is called economic foundation of society, but in present incarnation it is excessive debilitating.
When we were a recent graduate, we did not recognize such uncompromising reality and to spend it towards achieving our ideals
If we were wise, we put our emphasis on pockets in a few years and we quietly pursued the rest of the day like Gates.
So we will find ourselves, from our own experience, by including ourselves, the most idealistic way to enable their altruism
After that, you should be lucky enough to enable your economic independence, you, Mr. Gates like Mr. is definitely worthy of praise
Well, the speech probably did not invite us or would have inspired the regime that the student would have been approved Trampling it at a painful frequency, ignoring it I can.
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