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An isolated expedition

For 28 Kurarman and Ernest - Lord Shackleton, expedition to Antarctica was disastrous.

Small tits. :
 Documentary film, Sir Ernest * Shackleton, endurance

Article body:
Imagine the expedition to Antarctica in 1914. There is no GPS, no radio reaching the world, and no satellite phone. Brutal conditions, distributed food, narrow settlements. It is pretty dark, but it is wrong to make a decision. When the days are several weeks, the food delivered is exhausted. As weeks become months, hope is all that remains. When hope decreases, everything left is the will to live.
Sir * Ernest * Shackleton 's voyage in 1914, he and the crew of twenty - eight turned into a disaster just before reaching the Antarctic. Their ship was sustained by ice for more than ten months and was crushed by frozen, unforgiving forces. It is amazing that he and his crew endure this period to survive.

This is an excerpt from the keeping diary kept by Crueman Thomas Orde - Lease detailing extremely cold and desperate times.

"As soon as the water was hit by the boat it quickly froze and form the thick incrustations of the boat and ice on all the gears Iron part of the corrugated part Frozen hard sails Fortunately by frequent relief we Water that ran to the bottom of the boat freezed at once as it was able to maintain its pace and prevent ice accumulation along Keel

The object of the shrimp is to make it harder that our clothes were frozen through spraying or getting wet in this ocean. Our time was dominated by choice of ice away from each other's back. Under these circumstances, it would be a lie to say that we were happy, but even now we have taken a cheerful and hopeful air in spite of ourselves We are certainly, however, He was being tried in pain. "

Ignorance and fantasies

How do you grow into self-recognition and courage from self-deception and hopeful thinking in the act of facing reality and turning it into a good explanation? Would you like to open? I'm happy with the ladder of rungs that can answer.

Small tits. :
Ignorance, fantasy, belief, innocence, happiness, dream, knowledge, faith, love, kindness, selfishness, relationship

Article body:
Beliefs are often children of ignorance and illusion? When young people are surrounded by love and being filled with happiness, consider the view of the sky of the world where young souls are enjoyed at the height of innocence. Listen to laughter. Dreams expand with the emptiness of knowledge like a laughing gas, causing the brightest, purest pure joy.

Ignorance is bliss, as they say, because we spare no mental constraints related to knowledge (revealing the limitations of reality, hence the impossibility of illusions). It is the ultimate athletic field where the mind builds a castle with air, creates a wonderland and can delightedly live in this kingdom of dreams. It leaves us to believe whatever we like, opens the way for the rule of mistake. All but desirable, if not true, feasible until we find the opposite evidence. Santa Claus will eventually die in our old age - when we are not so young, we are easily deceived by a tall tale, so green,.

In truth, but wise we are still in danger, we are still. We spontaneously indulge in the fantasies about the world which is never fully known here or the world beyond that. We are always in our health, our relationships, our career, or other parts of our lives are wonderful, or our death is not over This temptation is charismatic It is not appealing to many people when they discover fortunetellers and spiritual leaders. What we believe is then the result of ignorance and imagination, and trust.

Examples of self-deceit involving young idealists and betraying the ambitions of warm-blooded animals for perfect love are frequented towards attractive members of heterosexuals they know little by perfection love, I Means perfect and durable harmony at every level. It enhances friendship, as the words "girlfriend" and "boyfriend" suggest. It includes desire, but transcends it and transfigures it.

The pop song is a common car for this ideal that is a lot of confusion for the young soul. I am thinking of young men in particular, but there are many people who fantasize about young women, fall in love, or have fantastic images. This quickness is typical of their enthusiastic and casual youth. To make it imagine that these young men found spiritual companions, some smiles and nods or more than a few elegant words of agreement, with several auspicious signs, finished, they are Take a pretty young lady for a dream girl and are besed with them! Actually, some misleading signs. All the charm hides the cause of the alarm.

In the struggle for survival and happiness, if society is a cure for individual limit (incomplete treatment to confirm that there are side effects) it also swallowed courtesy smooth sugar to make it easy to swallow Of the coating. Please express their frustration with delicacy, thank those who decorate it with compliments and encouragement. No persistent, no nausea. Sometimes politeness excludes monies in honesty and good will or selfish hypocrisy. It turns into enslavement through a combination of kindness and weakness, or pure selfishness. Either way, some people are trapped in the dark while they must live wisely in the light of knowledge. They are denied the truth: the opportunity to imagine their real situation and achieve their true purpose.

A young man is fascinated by the social grace of a pretty young woman, often among the fantasizers I mentioned earlier. Poor fish took a hook and finally found they made a mistake like many others on the same boat. A dream girl is an ordinary girl or vixens who initially acted and talked indefinitely sweet, later proved what to love in a limited way, or that sour

Long intimacy is a good test of the true nature of the couple. But there are things that may appear in the smoothness of the relationship with the belt first, the enchanted override is other consideration. This appearance is superficial and deceptive like the outer layer of an onion. When it is removed, a conflict arises after a series of changes indicating a gradual return to nature. The truth is revealed and tears are shed.

Many young fantasizers are part from their lover at this time. They embarked on another relationship until the next disintegration, the next dissolution, and started another relationship. They do the same thing in other areas of life. I will tell you nothing about building unfinished for that solution.

Some of these fantasizers stop this nonsense after some disappointment and eventually change to a brave realist. Their courage is distinguished from other disillusioned souls that have given up hope of giving laziness with a clear conscience. These defeatists confuse realism and attitude, and unlike perfection is ineffective rather than battle for excellence or suffer ordinary. In their view, humans are in that element only when they have an illusion like a fish when swimming. In fact, adaptable humans are closer to amphibians than fish. They are a chance to live happily thanks to a blend of struggle and resignation that brings joy and tranquility and will return to the Earth better without being killed by frustration.

A brave realist knows and accepts the conditions and limitations of happiness. Please note that everything is there. High cost will be lost, sooner or later. They may also indulge in a whimsical existence for a while, but if you want to achieve something worth mentioning, despite imperfections and difficulties, you can produce from the final good too for a search It is one thing that is better.

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